Today Melanie welcomes Ali Pfister, one of ScreenStrong’s Ambassadors, who shares her journey of creating her family’s ScreenStrong Lifestyle. Ali and her husband have four young kids under the age of 10 and they have been living ScreenStrong for about 3 years now.
Ali shareS how she began educating herself when her second son was identified with a speech delay at the age of 18 months to learn how she could best help him. Through her reading, she became aware of how technology affects child development and she shared that she had a “call to action” that prompted an immediate change in her family’s lifestyle.
This episode is full of passionate inspiration and positive energy that may just be “the call to action” for your family! Listen as Ali shares how she became an actively engaged parent and how she cultivated her children’s sibling bond as well as her and her husband’s parental bond with their four children.
This is a must-listen episode for all parents that will inspire you to not only change your family’s lifestyle but also encourage and educate others to do the same.
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