Hilliard, Chris, Tracy and Lynelle go IN on the hot topic of Black Criticism!
Direct Link: www.bit.ly/SWRR-234
Wesley Morris' New York Times article THE MORALITY WARS
Zadie Smith's art critique (as mentioned in Morris' article)
Wesley Morris' podcast STILL PROCESSING
Nick and Alex's Paper Team
Pilar Alessandra's On The Page
Fans of the show, your support is always welcome, and as we mentioned on the show, here's the link to this game-giving podcast's Patreon link: http://bit.ly/SWRRPatreon
Lynelle White - https://twitter.com/lynellewhite
Tracy Grant - https://twitter.com/TheReelTray
Chris Derrick - https://twitter.com/unauthorizedcbd
Lisa Bolekaja - https://twitter.com/lisabolekaja
Hilliard Guess - https://twitter.com/HilliardGuess
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The Screenwriters Rant Room on Twitter - https://twitter.com/screenwritersrr