In this episode of the Search News You Can Use Podcast, Marie Haynes discusses:
MHC’s early analysis of the May 2020 Core update
New - Rising Retail Categories by Google
Google is displaying date and creator of Youtube videos rather than the article itself
Robots.txt is always obeyed by Google
Updating your title tag to the current year is not enough
Geotargeting does not restrict a site to only be shown in that region
Being on the first page is a sign you’re doing things well
Slow declines over time may mean that your website is becoming less relevant
Negative SEO is not the reason Google created the disavow tool
Google almost never indexes all content
There is no special tool or technique that will alert Google of your canonical changes
Hyphens vs underscores in urls: a test
GSC lags are not related to core updates
What likely happened with LinkedIn dropping out of the index
Local SEO: Possible update
Local SEO: What you should know about Covid-19 Google posts
Local SEO: Reviews are coming back
Local SEO: Be careful before marking your business as closed
This episode corresponds with newsletter episode 132:
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