Marie discusses the latest news in the world of SEO, including:
June 3, 2019 Core quality update
Possible odd local search update
Google confirms they are working on improving medical search results
Author E-A-T webinar
Can you see past manual actions for a site?
New selector in Rich Results Test
New help from Google on HowTo schema implementation
Google testing page title length
AR and 3D images available in search
With indexing bug resolved, GSC coverage should be normal
How does Google handle a disavow file
Chrome now allows you to select geolocation
Q&A in GMB updated
GMB missing data May 30 and 31
Listener SEO Question: Should you put team members on your About page to improve E-A-T?
Listener SEO Question: Can I get a job in SEO when I’ve been out of the field for 2 years?
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