In this episode of the Search News You Can Use Podcast, Marie Haynes discusses:
The latest on the May 2020 core update
Exciting guest joining the MHC podcast soon!
Chrome to block resource heady ads
Support for Guided Recipes has arrived
Pages with minimal text can still rank well
Index selection is closely associated with space and content quality
Infinite scroll can cause indexing issues
Google on user generated content
How long does it take for Google to revisit a 410 page?
How many url parameters are too many?
How does Google handle a site with multiple meta descriptions or title tags?
Should you add a forum to your medical site?
Does Google use bounce rate to rank websites?
GSC performance report data is off from May 12 to 25th
Intermittent issues with GSC
Local SEO: some ranking fluctuations
Local SEO: You may be eligible to add secondary hours to GMB
Local SEO: Some reviews are returning to GMB
Local SEO: If you lost data in GMB, is that due to the core update?
Q&A: Any advice for those who want to start a website as a side project?
This episode corresponds with newsletter episode 133:
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