Beyond the Sessions is answering YOUR parenting questions! In this episode, Dr. Rebecca Hershberg, Dr. Emily Upshur, and I talk about...
4:00 - Using screens when YOU need a break is absolutely okay and you shouldn't feel any shame or guilt around doing this!
5:05 - The difference between television and a tablet in regard to your child's development.
8:40 - How to separate your own anxiety and fear mongering around screen time so you can be educated and intentional about your child's use of technology.
9:30 - The cost/benefit of giving your child a tablet versus you keeping them off of a screen and then feeling so burnt out that you lose your cool and yell at your child.
13:03 - Ask yourself, "are screens decreasing your stress or adding more to it?"
16:38 - What the research reveals about how screens impact executive function development and the development of attention span.
18:55 - The difference between independent screen time versus interacting with screens together with your child.
Additional podcast episodes for how you can build your child's ability to engage in independent play:
Fostering independent play and a love of learning with Lizzie Assa
How play could be the key to mental health and well-being with Mike Rucker
✨We want to hear from you! Go to to send us a question or a topic you want to hear us answer on Securely Attached - Beyond the Sessions! ✨