Beyond the Sessions is answering YOUR parenting questions! In this episode, Dr. Rebecca Hershberg and I talk about...
- Dr. Rebecca shares how she made the decision of whether or not to send her own two children to sleep-away camp. (Spoiler: She chose to send her older child, not her younger son.)
- The logistical and financial pointers to think of that can potentially buy you some extra time to make this decision.
- Is it better to send them when they’re not ready, or hold them back for a year and risk the potential consequences? Dr. Sarah and Dr. Rebecca share what they suggest parents do if you’re on the fence.
- The developmental milestones and skills you want to look for to help you decide if your kid may be ready for camp.
- Should you send your kid to sleep-away camp? It all boils down to a simple-single answer (a Beyond the Sessions first!)
Go to to send us a question or a topic you want to hear us answer on Securely Attached - Beyond the Sessions!