Dave's back with another audio adventure, Radio Therapy style. Another explosion of colossal tuneage. As per. Get it down ya!
1. Solomun feat. Jamie Foxx ‘Ocean’ [Diynamic]
2. Guy Mantzur ‘My Wild Flower’ [Lost & Found]
3. Golden Hour ‘Malevo’ [MoBalck]
4. Gespona ’Smoke & Mirrors’ [Einmusika]
5. Glowal ’Still’ [Sementa]
6. James Harcourt ‘Lilith’ [Selador]
7. Moonwalk feat. Narya ‘Beyond The Lines’ [Stil Vor Talent]
8. Dapayk & Padberg ’Smoke’ (Niconé) [Sonderling Berlin]
9. Joris Voorn ‘Psyche’ [Global Underground]
10. Franky Rizardo & Joe Goddard ‘No Judgement’ (Kölsch) [FFRR]
11. The Chemical Brothers ‘The Darkness That You Fear’ [Republic]
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