On this episode of Serious Privacy, Paul Breitbarth of Catawiki and Dr. K Royal of Outschool review what might seem to be small events in privacy developments, but are really robust once reviewed. They touch on a spotify case in Barcelona, the Spanish Data Protection Commissioner search on hold, and events in Belgium. In addition, on the US side, a DC judge ruled that Mark Zuckerberg could not be added to the Cambridge Analytica case personally.
At the same time, the Irish DPC entered the first Article 60 review and issued Facebook a $17M fine. The DPC is also facing a lawsuit by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties. Meanwhile, the New York police department is facing a lawsuit for its massive DNA database that they have collected over the years. Lastly, the Zoom DPIA by Sjoera Nas (please see the prior podcast with her on DPIA processes).
Next week is our 100th episode. Tell us what you'd like to hear and thank you for being our friends!
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