Privacy and data protection are not just a job for lawyers or professionals who specialize in privacy - not anymore. Technology plays an important role in ensuring personal data can remain private. Ensuring that personal data is secure but useful requires a level of skill found in data scientists.
In this episode of Serious Privacy, Paul Breitbarth and K Royal searched for just such a skilled individual,Katharine Jarmul, the Head of Product at Cape Privacy, and a data scientist. Cape Privacy is a New York-based company assisting others with machine learning, data security and adding value to data. Katharine explains what data science actually is, how to keep data private, useful and valuable at the same time, and how to create synthetic data appropriately. Also a big question when it comes to powerful technology revolves around the ethics and the investment of individual technologists in the ethics of privacy.
Join us as we discuss these topics and more, such as GPT-3, “this person does not exist,” the work of Cynthia Dwork, and differential privacy vs the generative model. As often happens in an episode, certain topics in privacy are revisited, mainly because they are wicked problems with no identified solution. One such topic Katharine discussed is bias in machine learning and approaches to solving bias once identified. Throughout this episode, we reference quite a few resources that we will provide the links - as always.
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