This past week in privacy law saw several unexpected developments. When this podcast started back in January, the intention was to record a series of conversations between K Royal and Paul Breitbarth with an occasional guest or recorded conference panel discussion. They would discuss what had happened in a week, place privacy and data protection developments around the world in context and provide insights based on their experience… And then COVID-19 happened, the podcast quickly became popular and guests became ubiquitous.
On this episode, Paul and K return to their roots of covering privacy news and developments, because so much happened this past week or so. We’re in the middle of a privacy zone, with laws being lobbed all round us, guidance coming at us from all directions, and opinions shooting left and right - it’s like privacy officers need hazard pay.
So much has happened in recent days, that we decided to just have the one-on-one conversation this week. You will hear about new European Data Protection Board (EDPB) guidance, next steps in the Schrems case and the fall-out from the Privacy Shield annulment, as well as on the latest actions from Brazil. Join us to catch up on the latest developments and to put them in context of current events.
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