What do you get when a European and an American discuss concerns about returning to work after the recent quarantines? With co-hosts Paul Breitbarth and K Royal, listeners get an inside view on what privacy professionals are thinking about.
After two months, the worst of the Corona Crisis in many countries seems to be behind us. Slowly, countries and States are opening up, releasing roadmaps on relaxing their quarantine measures and taking steps to allow people to go back to work. Nevertheless, for the time being, it seems “continue to work from home where possible” will remain the best practice around the world. But whenever employees return to the office on a regular basis, it is clear already companies will need to prepare for that. The new normal of the six-feet-society and social distancing will cause a challenge in itself to be accommodated in offices, but also from a privacy and data protection perspective there is a lot to consider.
More information on this week's episode:
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