This week on Serious Privacy, Paul Breitbarth and K Royal take some time to review recent events or developments in privacy and data protection. With little happening in the U.S. (where is Ohio’s privacy law?), the focus is more on Europe and India. K and Paul discuss the European Data Protection Board’s recent guidance on international transfers, the new decision by the Wiesbaden court (in Hesse, Germany) on cookies and the U.S., and the highest fine to date in the Netherlands.
Join K and Paul as they explore what the U.S. Cloud Act has to do with cookies. It’s not really clear, but more information has come with the publishing of the interim order.
And lastly, there is news to share on a personal level. Tune in to find out. As always, please feel free to share your thoughts with us - therewill be a year end show on the best episodes. Get your vote counted! Follow us on LinkedIn as Serious Privacy and on Twitter @podcastprivacy @EuroPaulB and @HeartofPrivacy.
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