This week on Serious Privacy, Paul Breitbarth and K Royal say goodbye to season 2 of Serious Privacy and look forward to season 3. 2021 might be a year that many of us actually would like to forget but for the privacy community, it was an exciting year and a lot of good things have happened. We have new laws, new guidance, more enforcement and court decisions, and a continuously expanding field of privacy professionals. The podcast continued to grow - this is the 91st episode and well over 50,000 downloads to date - and received wide recognition, including from the master of the privacy podcast directory Jeff Jockisch!
A few weeks ago, you already heard predictions from lots of IAPP Brussels visitors for 2022. Today, you’ll hear ours. Will they come true? Do you agree?
We had amazing guests on this season and our first season. It is difficult to choose which ones to feature in this episode. Some episodes are chosen by the listeners, so those are easy, but the others - not so easy at all. You will hear select clips from Helen Dixon about international investigations and dealing with criticism, Romain Robert with noyb (about enforcement taking time), tracking and dark patterns, from episode 36 (Jocelyn Paulley, Partner at Gowling WLG in London and Lindsey Schultz, Senior Counsel at Global Privacy for Visa), Eric Cole (cybersecurity and ethical hackers - episode relevant again because of Log4Shell), and Emerald de Leeuw (recommendation for Paul to get started) - along with information on PIPL and SCCs.
As always, please feel free to share your thoughts with us - therewill be a year end show on the best episodes. Get your vote counted! Follow us on LinkedIn as Serious Privacy and on Twitter @podcastprivacy @EuroPaulB and @HeartofPrivacy.
If you have comments or questions, find us on LinkedIn and IG @seriousprivacy, and on Blue Sky under,, and, and email [email protected]. Rate and Review us!
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