The privacy job market is booming! Chief Privacy Officer, Data Protection Officer, Chief Data Officer, Privacy Engineer, GDPR Expert, CCPA Consultant, Data Privacy Counsel, Privacy Risk Officer… And this is just to get started. Do a vacancy search with the word ‘Privacy’ on LinkedIn or most job-search boards and you will be shown a huge variety of functions around the world for new and seasoned privacy professionals.
Paul Breitbarth and K Royal invited the founder and CEO of TRU Staffing Partners, a staffing company helping to fill vacancies in data privacy, e-discovery, and cybersecurity since 2010. By now, Jared Coseglia and his team have placed over 3000 professionals in full-time and temporary positions. Our main objective was to get a sense of the privacy job market, but to also discover insight about landing a position in privacy for people who are new to the field or transitioning. As a former theatre director, there was some curiosity on whether those skills transitioned into managing privacy professionals.
Join us as we discuss some of the expectations for privacy professionals, such as a love of reading a lot given the massive amount of information related to personal data that seems to change often. Jared shared what he has learned over the years of what traits a person needs to be successful in this field and what companies are looking for in a professional. In addition, TRU Staffing has published part 1 of The State of the e-Discovery and Data Privacy Job Market: Pre and Post COVID-19. Fascinating material.
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