Wicked problems are those without simple answers. They are thorny, complex, multi-faceted issues. This episode of Serious Privacy by Paul Breitbarth and K Royal was pre-billed on social media as “talking anarchy” and “Serious Privacy-ing.” In this episode, guests include Uber CPO and frustrated comedian Ruby Zefo, Godmother of Privacy Engineering Michelle Dennedy, and TrustArc’s General Counsel Hilary Wandall. Given the breadth and depth of the experience combined across this guest list, the topics were broad-ranging and far-reaching.
Join us as we delve into wicked problems and solutions addressing women in privacy, ethics, global privacy standards, social justice, and privacy engineering. In particular, we discuss our guests’ experiences in navigating these topics and how our guests themselves may have been on the front lines. In at least one area, our guest was the developer of what has now grown into a field within privacy in general.
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Twitter: @privacypodcast, @EuroPaulB, @heartofprivacy, @trustarc,
Instagram @seriousprivacy, @rubyzefo, @mdennedy, @hilarydatalaw
Serious privacy, trustarc, privacy, GDPR, CCPA, data protection law, privacy engineering, social justice, smart devices, IoT, ethics, women in privacy
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