Well, this is very exciting!
(It’s only a teeny video/audio but it’s good news! ⭐️).
SewOver50 has been nominated for a Golden Scissors Award in the Social Impact category organised by the @CraftIndustryAlliance in Chicago in May.
In this podcast, Sandy discusses the work SewOver50 has done since 2018 to support this award nomination.
We certainly do like to be visible, included and represented so it’s absolutely terrific to be noticed. #SewOverAgeism!
Of course, this is an award for all of our community who have supported us, many of you over the 6 plus years. Your willingness to share your sewing, be seen, and importantly connect through SewOver50 has been empowering! Thank you!
A very big thank you to our editors from around the globe whose hours of volunteering continue to promote our passion of inclusivity.
Judith @JudithRosalind; Tricia @MorrisSews; Lena @ThatLenaKing; Maria @VeloSews; Ruthie @SewManyFlowers; Elke @SewThreadBear; Sue @SueLeighAtkins Lou @SewMuchToDesign Byrd @YogaByrdSews Kristina @PlumKitchen & Molly @MikeAndMollysHouse.
A very sincere and heartfelt thank you to Diane @StyleFalcon who nominated us. 😘
Happy sewing all! 😊🧵
Sandy ☀️
If you are able, consider supporting this podcast through our patreon account. Every podcast is free and the archive is gradually being uploaded on to the podcast YouTube channel.
Sound with permission by bensound.com