Teresa @desewtropia created a list of Etsy digital craft sellers based in Ukraine after Anita of @daydreamofquilts put out a call to support craft sellers directly. Etsy has removed the sellers fees from these businesses as well.
Teresa has web development skills and she's created this listing and a website hosting this list. She will keep updating this list as people let her know about Ukraine craft businesses and the list will be available indefinitely.
A simple version is at www.teresahardy.com/ukraine. That is one that you can easily copy and paste into a Facebook post or something. The version with photo previews are at https://ukraineetsysellers.my.canva.site/
We also learn about Teresa's sewing life. Her personal Instagram if anyone’s interested in life in the Andes at the equator is @unpaintedhuffheins (As Teresa says, 'Yeah, I don’t make my usernames easy do I?')
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