It’s Spring. If you’re anything like me then you’re noticing those corners. And maybe the cobwebs as well!
My house has an Oak frame and really lends itself well to sneaky cobwebs.
When the light is around longer and we feel the real promise of Spring, it makes me want to clean house. Get ready for the Summer. Get ready for the light. So the dusters come out!
I was reminded the other day in a journey that Spring Cleaning our Spiritual ‘stuff’ is just as important – we can stop it getting stale and samey.
There’s nothing like monotony and boredom to choke off a Spiritual Path.
And that’s what this episode is all about. 6 ways I use to check in with myself and my work.
In this episode I talk about:
The download has 6 key steps PLUS 6 suggestions for Shamanic Journeys you do to support each step. Super Simple. Actionable. Focused. What more do you need to support a Spring Clean?