Many of us, especially at the beginning of a spiritual path, try to avoid discomfort like the plague.
We might have the idea that avoiding discomfort and always feeling good is the point of a spiritual path; unfortunately, that isn’t the case and is only saving up problems for a rainy day.
Learning how to embrace our discomfort and turn it into an ally is a crucial step on a spiritual path.
So listen this week for my thoughts on discomfort, why it’s important and how to work with it effectively.
Activities & Journeys
This week I invite you to go on a Journey with your Guides and ask to be shown why discomfort is so significant to you. What can it teach you?
If you don’t journey in this way, go on an Omen Walk or meditate on the question.
I’d love to hear how you get on in our Facebook Community.
Don’t know how to Journey?
You can sign up for my free monthly live online introduction to Shamanism training here.