Welcome to Keeping Up With The Kholins, the newest reality show about your favorite and most powerful (and very Radiant) Rosharan family. Oh wait, it's just Shardcast. We're here to talk about characters in the Kholin family, their relationships, and what we feel about them. Adorably, we thought we could keep this to one episode. It will be four.
This week we primarily talk about Gavilar and Navani, and their respective relationships. Next time, we'll talk about their children. After that, we'll talk about Dalinar's side of the family. Turns out, there's a lot to talk about with the Kholins. Who know! (Everyone did. That's who.)
Our cast today is Eric (Chaos), Alyx (FeatherWriter), Matt (Comatose), and Shannon (Grey), and lots of us are in different rooms now, which changed acoustic properties. Sound recording is weird, yo.
News items!
Rosharan foil map: http://www.17thshard.com/news/brandon-news/limited-foil-roshar-maps-on-sale-fall-sale-r426/
Legion Promo: http://www.17thshard.com/news/brandon-news/live-reading-and-qa-legion-promo-and-signed-books-r424/
17th Shard: http://www.17thshard.com
17th Shard Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/bMAUS5c
Subscribe to Shardcast: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:102123174/sounds.rss