This week on Shardcast, we are going to talk about a Stormlight MYSTERY! In the vision of the Recreance, Dalinar says there are more Shards there than known in the present day. That was just a subset of two orders, to say nothing of all the others. So where have all the Shardblades gone? Even the most conservative estimate would mean we are missing a lot. Well, we are here to speculate, and we go through all the possibilities, from sensible to insane. Are you smuggling a Shardblade, or are you just happy to see me?
We have Eric (Chaos), Ian (WeiryWriter), David (Windrunner), and Grace (thegatorgirl). Send your Who's That Cosmere Character to
[email protected].
Also, if you're interested in helping out on the Coppermind this month, check out our August Objectives here:
Lastly, if you are interested in the Call to Adventure Kickstarter, it *is* still up for a few more days:
17th Shard:
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