The charges against Pavel Durov in France, the differences between encrypted messaging apps and Telegram, the philosophical questions underlying moderation scrutiny, and thoughts on Mark Zuckerberg's letter to the House Judiciary Committee this week.
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@SharpTechPodcast Channel — YouTube
@Stratechery Channel — YouTube
Post from Ethan Mollick — X: @emollick
DALL-E, the Metaverse, and Zero Marginal Content — Stratechery
Telegram CEO Durov faces preliminary charges in France of allowing crime on messaging app — Associated Press
Telegram CEO Charged Over Alleged Criminal Use of App — Bloomberg
The Multitudes of Social — Stratechery
Why Facebook Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Buy tbh — Stratechery
Google, Machine Learning, and CSAM; Takeaways and Tradeoffs; Apple’s CSAM Controversy — Stratechery Update
Mark Zuckerberg's Letter to Jim Jordan — Meta
Twitter, Responsibility, and Accountability — Stratechery
Russia, Google and Apple; The App Firewall; Laptop Assumptions — Stratechery Update
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