Attwood Unleashed is a weekly thought-provoking multi-hour broadcast with an eclectic range of guests hosted by Shaun Attwood and Stephen Knight and produced by Ash Meikle.
15:25 - 40:07 The Royal Family - Norman Baker
40:57 - 1:11:56 Alien Life on Earth - Christina Gomez
1:12:54 - 1:41:08 Prince Harry, Meghan Markle & The Royal Family - George the Giant Slayer
1:41:15 - 2:11:30 UAPs & the AARO - John Greenewald
2:12:10 - 2:41:26 US Immigration Problems - Matthew Kolken
2:41:37 - 3:11:38 The Fall of the Tavistockians - David Gosselin
3:12:45 - 4:08:15 From Palestine & Ukraine to WW3 - Ryan Dawson