100 avsnitt • Längd: 100 min • Månadsvis
A podcast dedicated to the show Outlander. We are Stacy and Brittany. Two friends, one hopelessly obsessed with the show, and the other….a total Outlander! Join us as we recap this wonderful show. Can Stacy draw Brittany into the world of Outlander?
Join us, as we get through this long Droughlander together.
The podcast She’s an Outlander is created by Stacy and Brittany. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Join us as Stacy and Lisa chat about 6x02 - "Allegiance"
Thank you for listening! Join us on Facebook and Instagram (shesanoutlander).
Or send us an email at [email protected]
In this episode we:
Thank you for listening! Follow us on social media!
Instagram and Facebook - shesanoutlander
Send us an email [email protected]
Welcome back everyone! And thank you so much for you patience! In this episode we welcome Lisa!!
Thank you all for your patience, your comments and messages :)
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @shesanoutlander
Send us an email [email protected]
Happy New Year to all!!!
Listen in as Stacy provides some updates about whats to come, as well as gives some general thoughts about season 7B, now that it's aired and we are in an other Droughtlander.
Thank you to everyone that listening, writes, comments. You are so appreciated :)
Please feel free to follow us on social media!
We are on Facebook and Instagram!
Email: [email protected]
Season 7B is almost here!! The wait is finally over!!!
Stacy gives a quick podcast update, and shares her thoughts about what is to come in season 7B!
In the meantime, follow She's an Outlander on our socials:
Hi everyone!!! We have been gone for a while, sorry about that!
This podcast was born out of two friends having fun during the pandemic lockdown, and life and the world has changed a lot since then. And thus, so has the podcast. All is well! And we (Stacy and Britt) and to thank everyone who has listened and supported us over the past few years.
The podcast as it was, will not be continuing on. However, Stacy is looking to continue with Outlander content and will be back soon with new Outlander fun!
In the meantime, follow She's an Outlander on our socials:
Also! as mentioned in the podcast, Project CaiTREEna is still running until October 4th, 2024
In partnership with One Tree Planted, $1 = 1 tree :)
Link to donate: https://caitriona-birthday-fundraiser-2024.raiselysite.com/
At the top of the episode Stacy shares her though in season 7 so far (up to episode 7x05).
And then...there is a LOT is happening in the entertainment industry right now. We now have not one, but TWO major unions on strike.
The actors union (SAG-AFTRA) has joined the writers (WGA) on the picket lines, and the impact will be huge.
It can be very confusing, so if you're interested in understanding whats happening, and how it will impact Outlander, please listen in as Stacy shares her understanding of the situation (23:00).
As always, we thank you for your support! We love hearing from you:
*No dots*
There is discussion about sexual assault and it’s aftermath whenever we discuss episode 5x12. Please take care of yourself, and skip those sections, or even this whole episode, if you need to.
Sorry for the slight buzzing you may hear in the background…..it was the air conditioner and I thought the mic wouldn’t pick it up. Whoops!
In this episode:
Thank you so much for all your support! As always, we love hearing from you!
*No dots*
If you are interested in listening to Stacy talk to herself for almost 40 minutes...then this is the episode for you! haha
She shares her thoughts on the season 1 premiere, and shares her experience attending the premiere in NYC!
As always, we appreciate your support!
*No dots*
In a continuation of our efforts to make it up to you for being gone for so long, Stacy made Brittany watch a certain "resuscitation" scene while on zoom, in front of a microphone, and recorded it for you all to enjoy!
Other fun:
Please send us any questions or comments for the season 5 wrap up! We appreciate all your support :)
*No dots*
We decided to take a page out of Jamie Fraser's book and keep our word. Enjoy as we watch ep. 5x07!
Tune in to hear:
As always, thank you for you support! Follow us on our social media accounts! And please send us any comments or questions you might have for the season 5 wrap up!
We realize we disappeared for a few months, but we are back! We missed you! Thank you for your patience and support.
We will be doing our season 5 wrap up soon! Feel free to send us your comments or questions.
As always, we thank you so much for your support!
In this episode:
**Trigger Warning**
In this episode there will be mention and discussion of violence and sexual assault. If this may be triggering to you, you may want to consider skipping those parts, or this episode. Take care of yourselves!
There is discussion of a scene depicting sexual assault from about 36:00 to 40:45.
Some resources:
Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres
Link to the National Resources for Sexual Assault Survivors and their loved ones
Link to the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline
Healthline magazine has put together a great resource guide for international and specific support, help, and hotlines
(Most of this info is for within the United States. If you search your country’s name with “sexual assault assistance,” you’re likely to find organizations that are ready to and capable of helping you navigate the emotional, physical, and legal aspects associated with sexual assault.)
Thank you so much for your support! We appreciate you all. We will be on a break for a while, but in the meantime, please send us your questions, comments, thoughts ect on season 5 for our wrap up episode!!
In this episode:
As always, thank you for listening!! We appreciate you all :)
On this episode:
Thank you for listening! We appreciate you!!
Happy Halloween, friends!! In this episode:
As always, thank you so much for your support!!
In this episode:
Thank you all so much for your kind words and support!
Note: We chit chat about non-Outlander related things for the first bit (sorry haha). To get to the recap skip ahead to 22:40 minute mark.
In the episode:
As always, we appreciate your support!
In this episode:
As always, we appreciate you all so much!
In thi episode:
Thank you for all our support!!
In this ep:
As always, thank you for your support!!!
Hello there!!! In this episode:
We appreciate your support!
On this episode:
Thank you for your support!!
Once again, Britt's dogs were determined to stage a mutiny, we apologize
In this episode:
Thank you so much for your support! We are so happy to be back :)
Follow us on social media!
Hi there!! We know we've been gone for a while. So much has happened!! Season 6 has aired, filming of season 7 is underway! So jump back in time with us, as we wrap up season 4 (now that Britt has finally watched it all)
Thank you all so much for your patience! We are so happy to be back!
You can find us on social media, we love hearing from you:
Hello friends!!! A little surprise or you! Obviously this contains spoilers for season 6 of Outlander. So if you haven't watched it yet, you may want to skip this ep.
Stacy is joined by her friends, Holly and Leigh, to discuss season 6 of Outlander!
Hope you're all staying safe and we hope you enjoy. And we will be back with season 5 as soon as we can :)
Once again, we get back on our nonsense and the recap doesn’t start until about the 19-minute mark…sorry!
In this episode:
We will be taking a little break so Britt can watch season 4 and Stacy can enjoy season 6. The, we will be back with our season 4 wrap up! Please send us your thoughts, comments questions ect. about season 4.
Thank you all for listening, we appreciate your support!
In this episode:
Thank you all for listening, we appreciate your support!
So, we went on a big tangent at the beginning, if you just want to skip to the episode recap, skip to about the 32-minute mark lol.
In this episode:
Thank you all for listening, we appreciate your support!
In this episode:
Thank you all for listening, we appreciate your support!
In this episode:
Thank you all for listening, we appreciate your support!
**Trigger warning**
Please note there is mention of sexual assault. The scene starts at the 1hr and 19-minute time stamp and ends at the 1hr 21-minute time stamp.
Also in this episode:
Thank you all for listening, we appreciate your support!
In this episode:
Thank you for listening, we appreciate all your support!
Heads up: We waste a solid like 15 minutes before we get into the episode haha
Thank you for listening! You can find us on social media, we love hearing from you!
In this episode:
Thank you all so much for your support!! Follow us on social media. We love to hear from you.
In this episode:
Thank you so much for your support, we really appreciate it! Reach out to us, we love to hear from you!
In this episode:
Follow us on social media. We love to hear from you!
Disclaimer, there are some heavy conversations as this episode has depictions of slavery. We know we may not always get these conversations right, we are constantly learning and we always value your comments and feedback.
In this episode:
Thank you so much for listening! You can find us on social media:
Thank you so much for your patience, friends! We are finally back, and ready to jump into season 4!
In this episode:
Thank you so much for all your support! We wish you all a safe holiday season.
As always, you can find us on social media, we love hearing from you!
We are finally here with the season 3 wrap up! Britt has watched all of season 3 now and we are ready to dive in!
Once again we thank you for your patience and all your kind comments and messages!
We will be back with season 4 as soon as we are able!
Britt is still living off the grid, so to tide you over while you await until the season 3 wrap up, we decided to give you another watch along reaction :)
This is Britt's first time watching this episode. Stay tuned for:
Thank you so much for your patience. We will be back to our regular schedule as soon as we can!
So, this was the 1st time Brittany has watched ep. 3x06...prepare for some "ewww!!"
We hope you find this entertaining! (Stacy found it hilarious lol)
As we prepare the season 3 wrap up, please continue to send your comments/questions/thoughts about season 3!
Thank you for listening! Also, if you have any comments or questions for the season 3 wrap up, please send them to us!
In this episode:
Season 3 Wrap up!
We will be recording the wrap up soon, so send us a message or email with anything you would like us to include/read on the podcast. Tell us why you love Outlander, what your favourite episodes/characters/storylines or season 3 are. If you have any questions for us or want us to discuss anything, please let us know! Thank you so much for supporting our tiny little podcast :)
In this episode:
TRIGGER WARNING: This episode mentions and discusses slavery and Outlander’s depiction of it in this episode. There are some references to slavery throughout the episode, but there is a lengthy discussion about how the show depicts slavery, centring it through a white perspective. This begins at the 32min mark and ends about the 51min mark.
If this topic is triggering for you, you may want to skip this section. Please take care of yourself.
We will be gearing up for our season 3 wrap up soon. If you have any thoughts on season 3, comments, questions, anything, please send us a message or an email and we will include it in the episode!
Thanks for listening, we appreciate you!
In this episode:
Thank you for listening! We appreciate your support! If you have any comments/questions/thoughts about season 3 please feel free to send them to us and we can include them in our season 3 wrap up.
In this episode:
Thank you so much for listening! We appreciate your support! If you have any questions, comments ect, we'd love to hear from you!
In this episode:
Thank you all so much for listening! If you have an comments/questions for us or just want to share your thoughts on the show, we'd love to hear from you!
Thank you for listening!
In this episode:
As always, we appreciate you all so much!
In this episode:
Thank you al so much for your support. We appreciate you all so much!
In this episode:
Once again, thank you all for your support, comments and messages. Ya'll are the best :)
In this episode:
Once again, thank you for listening!!
Please note that Stacy was silly and did not plug in the correct mic so, if the sound is a little weird at time, apologies!
In this episode:
Thank you for listening! We appreciate your support :)
In this episode:
Thanks for listening! We appreciate you :)
In this episode:
Thank you for all your support! Buckle up, season 3 is a ride!
Thank you for your patience as we were on a hiatus. Now, we are back baby!! Listen as Stacy and Brittany discuss season 2. In this episode:
Thank you all so much for your support! We still can't believe people actually listen to us be idiots. Thank you!!
Next week, we are jumping into season 3...here we gooooo!!!
Follow us on social media, we love hearing from you!
Pretty much the last episode in the Paris section where there is a bit of sweetness and levity with Jamie and Claire (hello honey pot and red dress) before things just get awful.
And thank you to Holly for hanging out with me these past weeks and doing these watch alongs!
Thank you all for your support! We will be back next week with out season 2 wrap up, yayy!!
Watch along with us as we relive the pain of the season 2 premiere. Jamie and Claire just can't have happy things, ugh.
Thanks for all your support!!
The episode in which Claire and Murtagh become a travelling song and dance duo in the hopes of finding Jamie. With this one, we decided to make it a drinking game.
Grab a drink, or grab some water, or don't drink at all and just listen to us be idiots...whatever you're feeling!
Thank you for all you support!
Things are going swimmingly for Jamie and Claire. Seriously, these two have THE WORST luck ever.
Watch along with us! Thank you for listening :)
Jamie and Claire have had a rough time, but she's finally told him that she's time travelled through some stones and has made her choice (and we are so happy with her choice). Now they are off to Lallybroch....all happiness and bliss now right?
Watch along with us :)
Stacy is once again joined by Holly. In this episode:
Thanks for listening! We appreciate all your support.
Stacy is once again joined by Holly. In this episode we discuss:
Thanks for listening!
However you watch Outlander, pull up the episode and watch along with us!
We recorded this on St. Patrick's Day so, some beverages were had and some thoughts were shared lol.
Thanks for listening!!
Stacy discusses the differences in how Jamie's apology plays out from Outlander chapter 22 and episode 1x09, both of which are titled "The Reckoning".
So, if you're interested in hearing Stacy talk to herself, have a listen lol.
Thanks again for all your support!
In this episode, Stacy has once again recruited her friend Holly for another watch along. Sit back, relax, load up the episode and enjoy 1x07 "The Wedding" with us!
And please continue to send in your questions/comments for our season 2 wrap up. Thank you for all your support!
Hello friends. We will be taking a bit of a hiatus from our typical format. We appreciate your patience and will be back with our season 2 wrap up and then jump into season 3 as soon as we can.
In the meantime, we want to still give you some content to get through this Droughlander. So...watch ep. 1x01 with Stacy! She roped her friend Holly into watching with her. Come along and join the fun!
We are still looking for your feedback on season 2 for our season 2 wrap up. Please send us your comments and questions.
Stacy recaps the season 2 finale for Brittany. In this episode:
Thank you for listening! We would still love to hear from you for our season 2 wrap up. Please send in any questions, comments, thoughts that you have about season 2. Thank you for all for your support!
In this episode:
Thank you so much for listening! If you have any comments or questions for our season 2 wrap up, pease send us a DM or an email.
In this episode:
Thank you for listening friends!!
We will be recoding our season 2 wrap up soon. Please send us any questions, thoughts, opinions you have about season 2, or the podcast. We will read/answer them in our wrap up.
Follow us on Social Media!
In this episode:
Thank you so much for listening! We appreciate all your support and kind words.
Follow us on social media!
As we near the end of season 2, please send us any thoughts, questions, comments ect. you might have and we will include it in our season 2 wrap up episode. We want to hear your thoughts! DM us, or send us an email!
Brittany's audio is a little weird in this one, she had to record in a different room and there's a bit of an echo. Sorry about that friends!
In this episode:
Thank you so much for listening!
Follow us on social media!
We will be recording a season 2 wrap up episode soon, once Britt has watched the episodes. If you have any comments/questions for us, want to share your likes or dislikes for the season, or just want to share your thoughts, please send us a message or an email and we will include it in the wrap up episode. (Just remember, no spoilers past season 2)
In this episode:
Thank you for listening! We appreciate you :)
Follow us on social media, we would love to hear from you!
In this episode we get:
Thanks for listening! Follow us on social media, we would love to hear from you.
In this episode:
Thanks for listening! If you're enjoying the podcast, we would love if you could rate and review, it's helps us out a lot :)
Follow us on social media, we love hearing from you!
We chat a bit about our backgrounds, in the hopes it gives some contexts to our conversations and opinions regarding Outlander. If you're interested, come hang with us for 30 mins :)
If not, we will be back next week with a new episode of the podcast!
Thanks so much for listening and supporting!
In this episode:
Well, 2020 has been a wild, crazy and difficult year for so many. So in all the madness, thank you for finding and supporting our little podcast. We appreciate you! We look forward to continuing this journey in 2021 and hopefully, there’s more season 6 news soon!
We wish you all a safe and Happy New Year!
Follow us on social media!
In this episode:
This is a long one, so it might take you until the new year to finish haha. Happy Holidays, friends!
Thank you for listening! Follow us on social media, we’d love to hear from you!
In this episode:
Thank you so much for your support! If you enjoy the podcast, please share with your other Outlander friends. We would be so grateful. And follow us on social media!
In this episode, some highlights include:
Thank you so much for listening! If you haven't yet, follow us on social media. We would love to hear from you!
Stacy recaps episode 2x01 for Brittany! Some highlights include:
Thank you so much for listening! Follow us on social media! We would love to hear from you :)
Some highlights include:
That's a wrap on season 1!! Thanks for joining us. Season 2, here we come!
Follow us on social media, we'd love to hear from you!
Our last episode was pretty heavy, but we are back with more ridiculousness and hopefully some giggles. We respond to your comments and feedback!
Some highlights include:
Thanks you so much for listening and supporting our ridiculous adventure! We appreciate you. Part 2 will be out later this week! And if you don't already, please follow us on social media. We'd love to hear from you!
We tried our best to be our fun selves, but this gets heavy at points. A few rare moments of levity include a discussion of Halloween in the age of COVID, Brittany baits Stacy one final time before the season is over, and we get very Canadian for a moment, right near the end.
Throughout this episode there is mention of sexual assault.
We also have quite a lengthy conversation about suicide and suicidal ideation. If this is a difficult topic for you, you may want to skip it.
This scene starts around 1:10:30
The discussion around suicide starts at 1:21:00 and ends at 1:40:00
We are not professionals or experts in these topics, just two friends having an open and honest conversation.
That being said we would like everyone to know you are not alone. If you are struggling, or someone you love is struggling, there are resources out there for you. We have included some resources down below:
The International Association of Suicide Prevention website
This is a great resource for crisis services all over the world, just click on your part of the globe.
NHS Resource site for Suicide prevention in the UK
Mental Health Foundation of the UK
A helpful resource for recognizing and discussing suicide for those struggling or their loved ones.
A helpful resource for Suicide crisis links for much of Europe.
National Suicide Prevention hotline in the USA
Lifeline Australia
List of combined suicide crisis lines from around the world
For those who have lost someone to suicide.
Link to the Government of Canada’s Suicide Prevention services
Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres
Link to the National Resources for Sexual Assault Survivors and their loved ones
Link to the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline
Link to Recovery Across Mental Health charity in Scotland
Healthline magazine has put together a great resource guide for international and specific support, help, and hotlines
Season 1 Wrap up!
We will be recording this episode THIS week. It’s your final opportunity to send us a message or email with anything you would like us to include/read on the podcast. Tell us why you love Outlander, what your favourite episodes/characters/storylines are. If you have any questions for us or want us to discuss anything, please let us know!
*No dots*
Listen as Stacy breaks down this episode for Brittany. After the light-hearted foolishness of the previous episode, this one starts to get a little less funny. Highlights include:
Please rate and review if you're enjoying the podcast! Thank you!
We are getting ready to record our season 1 wrap up. Have any comments, questions, anything you want us to share in the podcast?? Send us an DM or email at [email protected]
Disclaimer: We had internet issues while recording this so no, it’s not you, Brittany’s audio gets a little weird at times. She may sound a bit like a robot/alien. Apologies! Just doing the best we can in these COVID times.
Enjoy Stacy break down "The Search" for Brittany. In this episode we discuss Claire and Jenny’s stealth abilities, Brittany continues to ask where Hermione is, Murtagh returns (yaayyy!). However, Brittany soon has a bone to pick with Murtagh so, that joy was short lived. Then there's the literal song and dance so...there's that. This was a wacky episode ya’ll, but as most of us know (except Brittany), it gets pretty bleak after this so….enjoy while you can!
If you're enjoying the podcast we would love if you could rate and review :)
Follow us on social media! We love to hear from fellow Outlander fans!
or send us an email! [email protected]
We will be recording our season 1 wrap up episode in a few weeks. If you have any comments or questions that you would like us to read or discuss, send us a message or email! It could be a question for us, or even if you would like to share why you love Outlander, your favourite characters, moments ect. We would love to include your feedback in the episode!
We go on quite a few detours this episode, whoops. We hope you will come along on the journey with us! In this episode:
We confuse ourselves with the timeline, discuss Ben Affleck’s back tattoo, wonder if Jamie would benefit from practicing some yoga, discuss that interesting exchange between Claire and Jenny about what being pregnant feels like, and Brittany continues to ask the question “where the heck is Murtagh?!”.
We hope you enjoy!
If you enjoy the podcast we would appreciate if you could rate and review. Thank you!
Follow us on social media, we love to hear from fellow Outlander fans!
In this episode:
We try to figure visualize what a Moor looks like (sorry, Scotland), Brittany continues to wonder where in the world Murtagh's at, and Stacy introduces Jenny to Brittany…can she fill the hole left by Geillis?? Also, is this finally the episode where Brittany admits she likes Jamie….TUNE IN :)
If you enjoy the podcast we would be so appreciative if you could rate and review. Thank you!
Follow us on social media, we would love to hear from fellow Outlander fans!
Some highlights include a discussion about whether time travel is considered witchcraft, how as human beings we can really suck sometimes, Brittany has some serious concerns over the welfare of Geillis, Claire giving zero f**cks, Jamie going beast mode and Stacy finally lets out her true feelings regarding Laoghaire. Oh, and there are some big Jamie and Claire moments (as we all know) and Stacy can’t hold back from gushing (are we really surprised?) We hope you enjoy the episode!
If you enjoy the podcast, we would appreciate if you could rate and review. Thank you!
Follow us on social media, we would love hearing from fellow Outlander fans!
Note: we have a lot of random tangents at the start (ship names, Moose, Canada geese…who knows) so skip to about the 15 min mark if you want to jump to the recap…we won’t be offended.
Join us as we discuss Jamie and Claire’s rather impressive sex life, how Murtah is a buzz kill this episode, why Jamie always seems to get hurt, Brittany’s growing annoyance with Colum and much more! Warning, there are so many puns, innuendos and euphemisms this episode…we don’t know what happened, we’re a mess. Hope you can laugh as hard as we did recording it!
If you're enjoying the podcast, we would love if you could rate and review, it really helps us out. Thank you!
Follow us on Social Media. We would love to hear from fellow Outlander fans!
We apologize in advance; this is a long one! But so much to discuss!
Join us as we chat about: the rules of time travel via stones, what a season 6 in the age of COVID might look like, those toxic arguments where both parties get real ugly (we’ve all been there, right?), and yep….there’s THAT scene. We discuss that scene, and the complexities of a 21st century audience watching an 18th century story, growth, forgiveness and so much more!
If you are enjoying the podcast we would truly appreciate if you could give us a rating and review, thank you!
Follow us on social media, we would love to hear from fellow Outlander fans!
In this episode we discuss: How Frank is getting demolished from 200 years in the past, more Twilight references (surprise, surprise), possible theories about ghost Jamie, and Brittany really cements herself as the anti-romantic of this podcasting duo .
If you enjoy this podcast, we would so appreciate if you would rate and review.
Follow us on social media, we love hearing from fellow Outlander fans! Thank you so much for the support!
Stacy recaps the episode for Brittany, and we discover that one of us is a romantic, and the other is umm...not. In this episode we discuss how we both spoil shows for ourselves, how the legalities of marriage are a weird thing, how the kissing part of a wedding ceremony can get real awkward for those watching, those steamy scenes and so much more! How uncomfortable can Stacy make Brittany? Tune in to find out!
If you are enjoying the podcast, we would appreciate if you could rate and review.
Follow us on social media, we would love to hear from fellow Outlander fans!
Also, Stacy mentions that the Battle of Culloden takes place in 1946...she knows that's incorrect (it's 1746, duh) and trust us, is super annoyed with herself.
Other highlights include Brittany getting very frustrated with Claire's decisions and a discussion about Black Jack potentially being a Criminal Minds villain. We hope you enjoy it!
If you've enjoyed this episode, we would love if you could rate and review the podcast, thank you!
Follow us on social media! We would love to hear from fellow Outlander fans!
We discuss Brittany continuing to fall in love with Rupert and Angus, if Jamie is giving off stalker vibes (spoiler: he's not) and Claire's tendency to be awful and picking her battles an causing all types of drama (but we love her)
If you enjoy this episode we would be so grateful if you could rate and review the podcast. Thank you!
Follow us on social media, we would love to hear from fellow Outlander fans!
Also, Stacy mentions the battle of Culloden happened in 1946....believe us, she knows thats wrong and is very annoyed with herself, speaking is hard, ok.
Some highlights include: a discussion as to whether Jamie has really been staying in the stables to hide from Laoghaire, we stumble upon a ship name for Rupert and Angus, and we discuss why everyone in this shows seems to be trying to drug each other. As Harry Potter has taught us, use Love potions with caution, people.
If you are enjoying our ridiculousness, we would be very grateful if you would rate and review the podcast. Thank you!
Follow us on social media, we would love to hear from fellow Outlander fans!
Highlights include:
We debate the specifics of demonic possession, and attempt to discuss English and Scottish history of the 18th century and realize we actually don't know anything. We also debate if Jamie making out with Laoghaire was the equivalent of guys posting selfies with a random girl to make their crush jealous. Thoughts?
If you are enjoying our episodes, we would really appreciate if you could rate and review our podcast. It would really help us out a lot (so we aren't invisible in podcasting apps). If not, that's cool too. Thank you!
Stacy and Brittany
We would love to hear from you. Follow us!
In this episode, Stacy breaks down episode 1x02 of Outlander for Brittany. Episode highlights include, Jamie's horse dismount method, Brittany's lack of LOTR knowledge, the benefits of having a witch for a friend and so much more! We hope you enjoy as Stacy continues to attempt to drag Brittany into the world of Outlander.
If you've enjoyed our foolishness, please rate and review, so more people can find our little podcast. Thank you!
Please follow us in Instagram and Twitter:
In our 1st episode, we introduce ourselves and how this podcast even happened. Then Stacy recaps ep. 1x01 for Brittany (who doesn't watch the show) Enjoy her reaction!
Things that came up this episode? Witches, Hogsmeade and how too much whisky one night left Brittany on the bathroom floor. Enjoy!
Follow us in Instagram and Twitter! We would love to hear from fellow Outlander fans!
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.