Our 66th ever podcast has been removed, hot & crispy, from the aging oven of our minds!
In this instalment Matt, Paul and Quinns try and unpick all of the games they played at SHUX 2017. That means chat about Shifty Eyed Spies, Bargain Quest, Hanamikoji, Edge of Darkness, Space Base, When I Dream and Quinns getting a bit aggressive about Meeple Circus (again). We also preview the upcoming expansions for Inis and Lords of Vegas, which we had literally no idea were going to be playable at our own event.
Finally, we can't resist closing the podcast with a tease of the gigantic reviews we're all working on right now. Quinns is playing Pandemic Legacy: Season 2, Matt's enjoying Gloomhaven, and Paul's about to crack open his copy of Charterstone. It's going to be a fun end to the year, everybody!