It's been a while since the last podcast, but we've not been idle! Like a board game version of Nintendo's Kirby, over the last month the team has been sucking in experiences and now we're going to expel them at you in a 90 minute special episode. Boomf!
In order of appearance, Matt, Quinns and Paul discuss The Mind, Cardline: Animals, Bye-Bye Black Sheep, Kemet: Set (which is so new it doesn't even have a Board Game Geek page!), Treasure Island, Fireball Island (which has just 8 days left on that Kickstarter) and Bunny Kingdom. That might be more games than we've ever had on a podcast before, and you know what else? They're ALL GOOD.
Finally, we soothe our aching jaws with a gentle chat about what makes kingmaking (one player causing another player to win) enjoyable in a game, and what makes it frustrating. Lovely stuff.