Hot damn! We've got some smokin' exclusives for you today. In this podcast we chat about our playtest of Reef, the next game in the series that brought us Azul. We gossip about Newspeak, a great-looking code-cracking game that will be arriving on Kickstarter imminently. We offer our thoughts on the fabulous labour of love Museum, which has yet to make its way to Kickstarter backers. Matt lays out his controversial verdict on Fantasy Flight's Fallout board game!
As temperatures continue to rise, the boys discuss their secret pastry playtest from Jenn Sandercock's Edible Games Cookbook, and talk about what to do when busy board game conventions become too hot to handle.
Finally, we approach a fiery finale where... oh dear. It seems the temperature of this podcast is reaching dangerous levels. Please, whatever you do, don't click play! Podcast burns are NO JOKE