That's right, babies! You asked for more regular podcasts on your subscriber questionnaires, and we're doing exactly that. The system works! Ignore that clattering and keening coming from our servers. Right now, in this moment, the system works.
Packed into podcast #11 are discussions of Freedom: The Underground Railroad, Keyflower, Space Cadets, Rattus and Cosmic Encounter. We discuss whether Trains has made Dominion redundant, answer a bushel of questions on the subject of imbalance in games, AND devote an entire, loving segment to the board game we've played more than any other- Descent: Journeys into the Dark.
What's your favourite broken monster, readers?
Freedom: The Underground Railroad, Keyflower, Space Cadets, Rattus, Cosmic Encounter, Trains, Dominion, Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition)