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Single Mother Survival Guide

106 - Empowerment through independence, with Anna Kellerman

67 min • 21 augusti 2018

Anna Kellerman is passionate about art, kids, sharing and connecting. She is a trained art educator, with a Bachelor of Art Education, majoring in Educational Psychology, and a registered art therapist with a Masters in Art Therapy. She has published a thesis on the benefits of working with clay and children with anxiety disorders. Over the past ten years she has worked with kids and teens with a range of emotional and behavioural problems, and most recently worked with children from domestic violence backgrounds.

Anna is also the founder of Mama Creatives which is about building a supportive and collaborative community for creative mothers to connect and flourish. And she’s also a single mum and she's on the show this week to share her story. Julia and Anna discuss the following points.

  • Debunking the relationship myth that long term relationships = success, and therefore, the end of a relationship must = failure. Not true! 
  • The fear of being single in middle age.
  • Choices.
  • How life changed for Anna as a single mum and how she felt about it.
  • Co-parenting.
  • Rebuilding after separation.
  • Text rage.
  • Divorce parties.
  • Empowerment through independence.

Anna also shares the benefits she's found being a single mum and her advice for new single mums.

Links mentioned in the episode:

 Mama Creatives

Connect with Anna on Facebook or Instagram. 

BOOK: Conscious Uncoupling - 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After by Katherine Woodward Thomas

PODCAST: Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

To contact Julia, email: [email protected].

For information about the single parent mentoring programs available with Julia, visit Single Mother Survival Guide Mentoring and E-Courses.

Book in for your complimentary 30 minute Clarity Call with Julia here. 

Visit us at Single Mother Survival Guide. 

Or connect with Single Mother Survival Guide on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest.

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