In this episode, Amy shares Part 2 of her story...
After a brief stint "birdnesting", Amy and her husband sold their houses and started living separately. Slowly slowly Amy started getting her life back together. She had a relatively good co-parenting relationship with her ex, and she had started dating. Then, her husband said he wanted to work things out. After deciding she couldn't live with the what-ifs, Amy decided to give it another go with her husband. Not long after that, he had moved in.
A few months later, out of the blue, Amy received a message from her husband's past mistress/girlfriend on Instagram who told her to pass on to her husband to stop harassing her and to ask him about all the women. Such a blow. What she then discovered ended the relationship she had with him, and the trust in him, for good.
In this episode, Amy so openly and vulnerably shares what happened. She talks about the shame she felt about her husband having affairs and not knowing, questioning her whole relationship with him and the lie, trust issues, coming to the realisation that the affairs were not her fault, and meeting her new partner.
You will need to get the tissues out for this one.
Listen to Part 1 (episode 152) HERE.
Sign up to the next FREE 30 Day Get Your Sparkle Back Challenge HERE.
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