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Welcome to part 2 of our two-part conversation! If you haven’t listened to the first half yet, be sure to check it out—it aired last week and features nutrition coach Vic Johnson, known as the "Mountain Sports Dietician" on social media.
You might recognize Vic’s name; he has collaborated with several prominent athletes in our sport, including Rod Farvard, to address the critical fueling strategies for ultrarunning.
In part 1, Vic offered valuable insights into the evolving role of nutrition in endurance sports, discussing the importance of high-carb fueling, gut training, and common nutritional challenges faced by endurance athletes.
In this follow-up conversation, we delve into post-run recovery, the benefits of antioxidants, and the strategic use of caffeine and bicarbonate during races. We’ll also explore how to interpret results from sweat composition and sweat rate tests, among other topics.
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