Feel warm at that price
@jollypumpkin @WestbrookBeer @Boulevard_Beer @YeeHawBrewing @BraxtonBrewCo @3floyds @SamuelAdamsBeer @AveryBrewingCo @samsmithsbeer @BlackAbbeyBrew #beer #craftbeer Co hosts : Good ol Boy Caperton, Good ol Boy Kendall, Good ol Gal Julieanna, and Good ol Boy DaveSUDS Episode – Another episode in our price point series featuring Winter Warmer style beers. A wide variety of winter releases and not all of that dark sticky clove laden style. Don’t get lost after hearing our discussion of balls out, the top, and the bottom. We taste and rate the following Winter Warmer beers from 1-5:
Dexter, MI $12.99 of note, it was blend 12 bottled 11-06-2012. In 2014 it was $12.99 for the bomber. $.48/oz SUDS-5
16 oz $4.89 $.31/oz SUDS-4
6 pack of 12oz beer $9.99 $.14/oz SUDS-4
City, TN 12 oz $1.79 $.15/oz SUDS-4
12 oz $1.79 $.15/oz SUDS – 4
Alpha Klaus – 6% ABV American xmas porter brewed with English chocolate malt, Mexican sugar and a ton of strange American hops 3 Floyds Brewing Munster, IN SUDS-4
Cold Snap White ale 5.3% ABV Boston Beer Company Boston, MA 6 pack 12 oz $10.99
$.15/oz SUDS-2
Sweater Party Spiced Winter Warmer ale with Mulling Spices 8% ABV Avery Brewing Company Boulder, CO 12oz $1.99 $.17/oz SUDS-3
30th Anniversary Winter Welcome Ale 6% ABV Samuel Smith Brewery Tadcaster, North Yorkshire England 11.3 oz $3.29 $.29/oz SUDS-3
Krampus Nacht Bock Beer 7% ABV The Black Abbey Brewing Company Nashville TN
12oz $1.50 $.13/oz SUDS-3
[email protected]@sipssudssmokes (Yo, it recently changed with an “s”)Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Available on Apple & Google Podcasts, PRX, Spotify, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast.
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