The podcast for Warhammer 40k Adepta Sororitas enthusiasts
The podcast Sister Act 40k is created by Mitch Beard & Rob Helton. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Listeners, it is time to face our judgment. The Emperor has deemed us unworthy of our rules and points, and has blessed us to suffer mightily to earn our redemption. That's right, time to review the latest balance dataslate!
Join Mitch and Scott as we run through the changes, our thoughts on what this means for the sisters, and where to go next.
Finally - Mitch send his deepest, deepest apologies for the super long delay in getting this episode out. My personal life has been in utter shambles between a very rough patch at work combined with coordinating a house purchase & move, and our release cadence has suffered as a result. Expect more content very soon with a review of Champions of Faith!
The dialoguys bring Rhys Cunningham onto Sister Act 40k! Rhys is a world-class player from Australia who has won multiple major AUS events as well as representing the Aussies at WTC this past year. Rhys recently went 8-0 at a GT with a Triumph-less list after the Fall MFM changes, and we just had to have him on the show to talk through the tried-and-true bringers vehicle list. Enjoy!
Mitch finally meets a cohost!! Scott recently traveled to the UK to visit Mitch, play at the LGT (and Friday Night Doubles), and even visit Warhammer World! Listen in to learn all about Scott's excellent adventure to the home of Warhammer and this latest evolution in the Mitch-Scott bromance. Finally, as a bonus you also get to hear all about McWerp's adventure too, as he came all the way from western Canada to join us for much of the experience.
The Emperor Protects (the bromance)!
The MFM is out and judgment day has arrived for the sororitas. The Emperor's finest had become lax in their faith, using a powerful codex to defeat His foes without sufficient suffering and castigation. Fear not sisters, for our judgment has given us new opportunity to prove our faith after bearing a new burden of points hikes! Listen in to hear Mitch & Scott dissect the points changes, what it means for our faction, and our new place in the meta. Our Emperor deliver us!
The London Grand Tournament has come and gone, and with it the incredible 5-0 performance by Will Whitaker! Join Mitch and Scott as they figure out how the heck Will took Penitent Host all the way to a 5-0 finish and a trip to the shadow round, losing only to eventual 2nd place finisher Brian Seipp.
After a phenomenal series of 5-0 showings, Mitch and Scott had to bring Stephen Box back to talk about his very unique Army of Faith lists! We talk about Stephen's list building philosophy for army of faith and the evolution of the list across his three recent runs at competitive events. Enjoy!
Jack Tite returns to Sister Act 40k, newly triumphant after his takedown of the 2024 Leeds UKTC supermajor!
Join Mitch and Scott as they talk through Jack's list, his take on bringers of flame, what he thinks about running Vahl-less Paragon warsuits, his love affair with the blessed foot canoness, and what it took to make it to the top. Enjoy!
Join Sister Act 40k host Scott Ketcham as he interviews Mitch on his WTC adventure as part of team Iceland 2024! Mitch talks about his path to joining the team in the first place, the prep it took to get to ready, the list, the event itself, and a quick recap of his 7 games at the event.
Listen in to find out all about the BINz, Mitch's epic failure, and his long road to ultimate redemption by the end of the event.
Beloved show host and hero of the Imperium Scott Ketcham goes to Tacoma, a 450 person GW tournament, and makes it to the finals!
Listen to this monster of an episode where Scott breaks down his list, games, and Patreon questions in incredible detail. Well done Scott, we're all so proud of you!
Stephen Box comes onto Sister Act 40k to talk about the newly released points for our codex! While some changes made us wince a bit, overall we see a lot of potential in our new book and many opportunities for creativity. Join Stephen and Mitch as they talk about all the units in the context of their points, along with tons of ideas on how to use them and what kinds of lists we might start to see as our community starts to experiment in earnest!
Ave Imperator sisters, the Emperor has truly blessed his most faithful!
The new codex is here!! The only way to make this episode as epic as the book itself was to bring out the big guns - Rob Helton returns triumphantly to this episode, marking the first time we have ever had 3 cohosts on the show at once. We also praise the Emperor for the return of John Lennon, who joins us for a three hour pilgrimage through the new content.
Mitch and Scott invite Vik Vijay onto the show once again, fresh from his glorious win at the 260 player Oxford UKTC supermajor. We also had the new points by the time of recording, so we of course had to discuss those changes also. Vik is once again a phenomenal guest and this is an absolute banger of an episode. Listen in to hear all about his tactical insights, hot takes on the new meta, and why Scott will be stuffing McWerp into a multimelta.
Welcome back McWerp aka Brendan McKenzie to the show, newly draped in glory from his huge win at Wet Coast, a 160 person major, with the Sororitas! Join Mitch and Scott as they catch up with McWerp, dissect his list, and walk through his blessed 6-0 run. Enjoy, and as always, thank you for supporting the show!
Mitch recently went to the ETC aka Eurotrash Cup, hosted by Team Netherlands, as part of team Iceland's delegation. After the event, Mitch and Scott wanted to break down the event, so we have invited back Typhus! Typhus is a legendary Team Poland player and an expert in both sisters and teams, and shares brilliant (and occasionally controversial!) takes on how to play sisters in a team setting. Enjoy!
Nick Nanavati of Art of War comes to Sister Act 40k! Nick has been playing sisters for some time as part of his practice for Team USA as well as for his "Finding the Faith" series in the Art of War War Room. Join Mitch and Scott as we hear about his development with the faction, thoughts on the current meta, and his very unique approach to list building and play style.
What's this, a meta-pun title? This must mean only one thing - it's dataslate review time! Mitch and Scott tag team a review of all the dataslate content - what's changed, who has been newly blessed by the Emperor, and who needs to go back to the convent for remedial prayers. There's a lot of exciting change on the horizon for the daughters of the Emperor, and I hope you are as excited as we are!
Congratulations to our amazing host Scott Ketcham for his incredible top 16 finish at LVO, including a 6-0 run to the knockout round! Mitch interviews Scott on his amazing performance, the list and tactics that took him there, and Scott's latest take on how to play sisters at the highest of levels. Well done!
Mitch and Scott invite Jack Tite onto the show! Jack is a formidable player in the UK scene who has been crushing it with sisters, most notably with a 5-0 run at the Leicester major in December as part of a 16-0 streak in GTs as of recording time. We talk about Jack's double-battle-sister list, how he plays the faction generally, and the tactical genius of the rapid ingressing immolator. Enjoy!
Note: this content was recorded before the January dataslate, but as with all of these types of interviews the content is no less relevant just because a few points have changed.
Sister Act 40k continues our exciting new series post-dataslate where we invite on ever more x-0 Canonesses to talk about their lists, what unique takes they have on the faction, and how they thrashed their foes on a relentless march to victory. For this episode we have managed to land the absolutely extraordinary Vik Vijay, of the Fireside 40k podcast, WTC Team England, and Team Ignite. Enjoy this wonderful episode where we talk to Vik about his recent 5-0 run at the Coventry 2 day major where he took first place with the sororitas.
Once you finish the episode, best of luck rooting through those bitz boxes for those crossbows you never assembled!
It's trash collection day! Sister Act 40k welcomes veteran guest McWerp aka Brendan McKenzie back to the show to celebrate his recent 5-0 run at the Kipper's Melee GT. Brendan wrote a completely unique list based heavily on mass volumes of units to overwhelm his opponents and flood the board with the faithful. We talk about this brand new sisters archetype, how McWerp came up with the idea, how it performed at the GT, and what's next for the archetype. Enjoy!
Sister Act 40k welcomes newly minted 40k legend Jeff Kolodner to the show, who recently took the top spot at the official Warhammer GT in Tampa last month. Jeff had to fight his way to an 8-0 finish, including through three Art of War coaches for his last 3 games, and he did so in style. We talk about Jeff's completely out-of-left-field list, how it works, and how he piloted it successfully at one of the top events in the world.
Oh, and we maaaay have changed the opening ever so slightly for this one ;)
It's the (sort of) 50th episode of Sister Act! Rob and Mitch reminisce about our favorite (aka weirdest) moments of the show to date, and then break down Mitch's recent 4-1 run at LGT with the Sororitas (like he'd ever take anything else?). Thank you to everyone for listening to our wacky little show for the past 50 episodes, and looking forward to the next 50 to come!
EDIT: now with fixed audio, apologies!
For this episode Mitch finds himself Robless, but happily is still able to find thrice-blessed content for the most faithful of podcast listeners. Mitch invites Team Poland and WTC legend Typhus onto the show to talk sisters in 10th, the meta, list archetypes we like, and review some of the high performing lists after the dataslate. Enjoy!
It's dataslate time! Mitch, Rob, and first-time guest Danny McDevitt review the huge balance update from Games Workshop. We cover the changes to the game overall, how we expect the top factions to change, and of course our beloved ladies. Join us as we faithfully pray over our sacred index in search of the Emperor's blessings in this new age of Warhammer 40k. Happy flailing!
Note: this is NOT the dataslate review episode! That one is recorded and already in editing, so stay tuned!
After making it through the absolute maelstrom that was WTC preparation and the event itself, Mitch is back with Rob to talk all about his experience with team Iceland! Rob interviews Mitch on WTC overall, his experiences at the event, and learnings to carry forward for the sisterhood.
Welcome back esteemed guest James Shapiro to Sister Act! We move on from the hottest of takes in the last episode to ice cold takes in this one now that we all have practice with the new ruleset. Listen to James, Rob, and Mitch talk about their lists, experiments, and James' successful recent 4-1 run at a GT. Ave imperator!
IT'S INDEX TIME!! For this much-anticipated episode, Mitch and Rob had no choice but to welcome back a guest most blessed and beloved by the Emperor. None other than Saint John Lennon himself returns to tackle a monster 3-hour episode. We review every last piece of content in the new Sisters index for 10th edition, going into depth on every datacard, stratagem, and enhancement. Enjoy!
Mitch and Rob are joined by much loved returning guest of the show James Shapiro, UK sisters player extraordinaire, to talk about the latest 10th edition leaks and previews! We also talk all about oil washes with Rob, who gives an absolute masterclass on this amazing hobby technique.
Rob's Instagram feed has absolutely gorgeous photos of his models, many of which use the oil washing technique he discusses. You can see Rob's instagram feed here:
The Sisters preview faction focus is out, and Mitch and Rob board the hype train to talk about it! You may not be surprised by this, but we are very very excited for the new rules!
Also check out Rob's Instagram to see pictures of his gorgeous mortifiers:
It's Sister Act time! Rob and Mitch discuss the new dataslate, rumors dropping for 10th, and then do a segment on the glorious Ephrael Stern and forgettable boy-toy elf friend.
We also announce a changeup in the philosophy of the show that will helpfully lead to more consistent content on a more consistent basis!
Also our deepest apologies - this should have gone out 2 weeks ago but I just realized that our hosting service didn't publish as expected!
Welcome back friend of the show McWerp aka Brendan Mckenzie to chat about Valorous Heart with Mitch and Rob! We talk about the VH lists that McWerp and Mitch have been cooking up, as well as Mitch's run to 3rd place at the recent International Team Tournament supermajor with this new off meta beauty. Enjoy!
New content review time! Mitch and Rob duo episode 41 to talk about the new dataslate, points changes, and Arks of Omen GT book secondaries and detachment. Enjoy the hot takes, and we look forward to digging more into the new GT season over the coming months! Spoiler: Rob *will* be talking about mortifiers.
We've hit episode 40!! For this episode we're bringing back returning guest Ash and her brand new chonky engine list - this version with a full 9 paragon warsuits as Valorous Heart! Enjoy listening to Rob and Mitch try to figure out how this super-off meta list works and how to pilot it to victory.
For this episode we have a Sister Act 40k first - Rob Helton as solo host! Rob interviews the second and third placing sisters players at the recent London Grand Tournament, the second largest event in the world (eclipsed only by the LVO). Both guests are veterans of the show, with Aidan Brocklehurst returning to talk about his amazing run to the shadow round with 2 bricks of 20 battle sisters, and Mitch making his first appearance as a guest!
After an unfortunately long delay - Sister Act 40k is back in action! We welcome new guest James Shapiro to the show to help us break down the meta bloody rose list - what's in it, why, how it plays the game, and tips for beating the current meta top dogs.
Once again we apologize for the delay in content over the summer - but we are back in action and have lots of content to get out soon!
You knew this episode was coming! Beloved guest Kolby Hopkins returns triumphantly to Sister Act 40k to talk about the new GT book, points changes, and dataslate. We also cover a record-setting 17 Patreon questions about our brave new world. Ave imperator!
We're mixing it up this week! Instead of talking about our most faithful of tiny models, we instead will be discussing the humans who lovingly assemble, paint, and battle them. Rob and Mitch bring on community paragon McWerp aka Brendan McKenzie to talk community: what we look for from it, where to find it, and how to best use it to get the most from your hobby.
If you listened to this episode and thought "wow the Sisters of Battle discord sounds awesome", then you should check it out! Here is a link to join the server:
Mortal man is both the brick and mortar of the Emperor's Imperium, and the Sororitas know this better than most. This, of course, is why the best way to purge your enemies is with a brick of 20 battle sisters! Welcome Aidan Brocklehurst to the show to talk with Mitch and Rob about bricks - units of 20 battle sisters, how they play, how they can be buffed, and what kinds of lists want to run them. We also cover Aidan's amazing 4-1 run at Bristol with a bloody rose double brick list, where he made top table at 4-0 before falling in the finals. Since this recording Aidan has managed yet another 4-1 with a 4-0 start, so this concept has legs - 80 legs to be exact!
It's dataslate time! Best friend of the show John Lennon joins Mitch and Rob to talk over the massive balance update that just turned the entire 40k meta upside down. Join us for a conversation about the changes to the game generally and to the Emperor's most faithful. With double the miracles, this show promises to be double the fun!
A huge thank you also to our new editor Tyler, who has edited this show together for us. You are amazing and we love you!
Tim Pinney, best friend of the show, is back to talk Nachmund! He joins Mitch and Rob to discuss the new points, secondaries, and overall game changes in the Nachmund GT pack. Though we may see darkness ahead, true belief in the Emperor (and a lot of angry sacresants) will see us prevail against the mutant, heretic, and xenos in this new season of competitive 40k!
Sister Act 40k returns to its roots with another episode on pain engines, this time talking penitent engines in 9th with the indomitable AshC. Ash is an absolute terror on the TTS circuit with her brutal 12 penitent engine list, and Mitch and Rob talk with her to learn the optimal ways to both redeem and purge heretics at the same time!
Mitch and Rob are back for episode 30 and there is so much to talk about in Sisters land! This episode is a 2 parter - first your pious hosts will talk about the new Kill Team Chalnath box set with the gorgeous (and deadly) new novitiates models. We then invite Stephen Box of Vanguard Tactics to talk about his innovative pure Order of our Martyred Lady list. He first piloted the concept to a 4-1 finish at LGT, and we have seen it crop up at other events with other pilots since. Stephen is an innovator and amazing teacher of 40k, and we hope you enjoy listening to his excellent interview as much as we did recording it.
Mitch hosts the Sister Act 40k coverage of the London Grand Tournament, where nearly 600 players converged in north London (including your intrepid host himself!) to battle it out for glory in the first supermajor event in the UK since 2019.
Mitch first interviews amazing guest Thomas Douch, who cracked the top 4 with a no-nonsense pure bloody rose sisters list. Listen in for some tips from a Sisters pro on how to navigate the current meta and how to pilot our faction at the highest levels!
In a Sister Act 40k first, we then interview 3 Patreons who also attended the event with the most pious of factions. Get an insiders take from Craig, Stephen, and Reuben as they purged countless heretics on the convention hall floor.
After a brief hiatus, Rob returns triumphantly to the show to join Mitch for a review of the Warzone Charadon: Book of Fire content for the Adepta Sororitas. We talk over the relevant Sisters fluff as well as the crunchy new rules for the Order of our Martyr'd Lady. Also Rob tells us about a new adventure he is embarking on with Jon of Goonhammer. Enjoy!
Prepare yourself for the monster part two of the Sister Act 40k 9th codex review, clocking in at 3 hours and 40 minutes of sweet, sweet content with the incomparable John Lennon and Tim Pinney. We talk about secondaries, stratagems, and all of the data sheets!
One quick note - this episode was recorded before both the Lone Star Open from a few weeks ago and Charity Hammer, which just ended, but is being released after both events. Congrats to John for winning both LSO and the Charityhammer GT with his sisters list, which included many elements that we discussed in this episode! Also if you haven't had the chance yet, go out and donate to CharityHammer. Colin Sherman of Best in Faction put on an incredible event recently with over 200 hours of content of the best players in North America playing amazing games for 3 straight days, and all the content is available on YouTube completely free.
It's NEW CODEX TIME!! The Emperor has rewarded us for our faith with a brand new set of rules, ready to free 9th edition from all forms of xenos, traitor, and heretic. For this most exciting of topics Mitch and Rob have invited two of our all-time favorite guests onto the show, John Lennon and Tim Pinney of the Floridaman 40k podcast. In this mammoth episode we talk through orders, armywide rules, hymns, blessings, relics, and warlord traits. Stay tuned for part two, where we will finish our review of the book with secondaries, stratagems, and datasheets.
Welcome to our last show of the 8th edition Sisters codex! To send the old book off in style, we invited Brandon Grant, Las Vegas Open and ITC champion, on to the show to discuss his list that won the Battle for LA GT. Fear not - we also delve deep into his philosophy of list building and 9th game winning to ensure this episode better stands the test of time in a new codex world. Sadly Rob had to miss this recording, but Mitch did his best to keep the fluff fluffy and the laugh track laughing without him.
Before listening to this episode be sure to polish your power armor to a high sheen, because we have invited the one and only OG Sisters Black Library to the show - James Swallow!! Mitch & Rob talk to James about everything from his books "Faith and Fire" and "Hammer and Anvil," to keeping our torch alit through the Sisters' long dark age, to storytelling generally!
And of course, your well-hyped hosts also just have to gush about the new previews, including the Abbess Sanctorum herself. Praise the Emperor!
Join Mitch and Rob as they embark on their first ever inquisitorial briefing. In this new type of episode, we bring on an inquisitor famed for their ruthless dedication to purging a particular mutant, heretic, or xenos. For our first ever briefing we will be dissecting drukhari strategy, and could not have gotten a better guest than the one and only Inquisitor Skari! Join us as this famed inquisitor explains exactly what the dark kin are, how you can expect to see them play, and how to beat them on the tabletop.
Also on this episode we review some of the gorgeous new model announcements (recorded before the May 4th week announcements unfortunately - we will talk over those very soon!). Ave imperator!
Mitch and Rob venture into the dark depths of the Black Library for the first time in Sister Act 40k history, and emerge with an interview with author Danie Ware!
Join us as we talk with Danie about her experiences writing for the Black Library. Of course, we start with Sister Superior Augusta, about whom Danie has published an awesome set of Adepta Sororitas novellas. We also talk about what it's like to write for Black Library along with Danie's other non-40k writing. We're very proud of this episode, hope you enjoy it also!
Sister Act 40k is excited to announce that we are partnering with Justin Seo of the Warp Wanderers RTT to kick off a new TTS team event: "Noosphere Knockdown"! Signups are live right now and will run until April 3rd, with the event starting on April 5th. Justin and Innes Wilson, Scotland's WTC captain, join us to talk about how team events work generally, the structure of the Noosphere Knockdown, and the very unique event awards available.
The Noosphere Knockdown is a 4 person team tournament - you can sign up as a team on behalf of a captain or as an individual where you'll be assigned to a team before the event starts. The event will last 5 rounds, playing one game per week. If you've never played in a team event before - great! Neither have many of the participants and it's a great opportunity to experience the format.
For all the details you need on the event, go here:
And to sign up, fill out this 30 second entry form:
Hope to see you there!
Episode 20, "Cleansing the Noosphere" has been uploaded by our faithful techpriests! Join Mitch and Rob for a conversation with amazing guest Ashley Thompson about nundams, Tabletop Simulator (TTS), and Ashley's very unique and flexible Sisters list. At time of recording Ashley is ranked the top player on the T5S2 TTS league tables, and her takes are even hotter than her multimeltas. Enjoy!
The Adepta Sororitas bring the Emperor's divine retribution to humanity's foes in myriad ways. Most recently, this retribution has taken the form of fiery, double shooting purification from 24 inches away. That's right - it's time for a Sister Act 40k deep dive on retributors!
Join stellar veteran guests Tim Pinney and Luke Grant for an extra purgeful, extra chunky deep dive. Listen in to hear our hot takes on everything from fluff to weapon loadouts to orders to where cherubs come from.
Holy Terra has blessed us with a brand new FAQ for 2021! Join Mitch, Rob, and amazing returning guest John Lennon for a journey through the changes that affect our beloved Sororitas. We talk points, changes to mission primaries and secondaries, and updates to rare rule interactions. Time for the angels to fly once more!
Mitch and Rob invite Chuck Arnett of the Best in Faction podcast (aka BIFPOD) for an extra special episode to talk about Charity Hammer 2021: Hammer Out Cancer. Charity Hammer is an amazing event run by Colin Sherman and the rest of the BIFPOD crew, and this year all money raised will be donated to both the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Foundation and the family of Vince Price, who is in a boss fight with cancer. While this year will be smaller than last year's event thanks to COVID, it promises to be no less exciting to watch. Listen in to learn all about the event, how to donate, and how to win the amazing prizes they have amassed.
Charity Hammer website:
Vince's GoFundMe:
With the updated weapon rules from Codex: Space Marines comes a new dawn for the Sororitas. No longer must we charge heedlessly into battle with chainswords held high, now we get to do that and also shoot stuff with scary meltaguns, just as the Emperor intended.
Join Mitch and Rob as they interview Luke Grant, the winner of the Kent City Wargames GT. Luke piloted an exciting Order of Our Martyrd Lady list with 30 multimelta retributors, contemptuously purging many varieties of heretics along the way!
This episode sets a record for longest mini-series to date on Sister Act 40k, as we embark on a third episode focused on the mortifier, everyone's favorite penitent failed repentia murder robot. Mitch and Rob welcome Kolby Hopkins and Jordan Gledhill back to the show for a Sister Act 40k deep dive on Rob's favorite unit. And don't worry - we promise to move on to other topics for our next episode, like maybe those hot new multimelta retributors.
Also - special thanks to @VintageVodou2 on Twitter for letting us use you amazingly creative content in our episode today. You are truly a blessed servant of the Emperor!
Rob's mortifiers have yet to atone for their sins, and so we invited Jordan Gledhill to come join us on the podcast for a second mortifier episode! Listen in to hear Jordan share his tales of glory and repentance as he took down the Red Rock Exterminatus GT with a 9 mortifier + 3 repentia party bus list.
Also stay tuned - we have already recorded a mortifier deep dive with both Jordan and Kolby Hopkins from the previous episode, and we will release it soon to capstone this journey with Rob's favorite unit in all of 40k!
At long last, Rob's deep and unapologetic love for the mortifier is given the treatment it deserves - a multipart episode on everybody's favorite bloody engine of redemption! For part one, join Mitch and Rob for an interview with Kolby Hopkins, a player from the Pacific Northwest of the United States who has been blowing minds and tabling opponents with an innovative 12 mortifier, 3 exorcist list. Kolby walks us through his list and a recap of an RTT and GT where he played it, and Rob even recounts his own experience piloting the same list in his local league.
It’s hobby time! Join Mitch and Rob as they invite painting virtuoso Colin Ward (@legalizedmischief) onto the show to get advice from an expert on on how to tackle an army brimming with pious details like fleur-de-lys, purity seals, and capes. The Emperor demands not only that you purge the heretic, but that you also look good doing it - so give this episode a listen lest you disappoint him.
In this extra chonky, extra crunchy episode, Mitch and Rob talk with competitive all-star John Lennon about the changes to the game brought by 9th edition. Join us for a deep dive on points changes, October weapon update rumors, and a full accounting of the new primary and secondary missions. This might be our best episode yet!
Sister Act 40k is also excited to announce the creation of our brand new Patreon (! If you have been enjoying our content and want to give us an extra high five to help out with hosting costs, we would really appreciate your support. Also, stick around for 3 months and we will send you a fancy, exclusive Sister Act 40k pin as a thank you.
You can find Sister Act 40k on your favorite podcast app, or access the RSS link directly here:
And say hi on social media:
Mitch and Rob fulfill a promise made several episodes ago to complete the Bloody Art of War microseries. Welcome to part 2, where we interview Jack Harpster, the third place finisher in the Art of War TTS league that ran at the end of 8th edition! In addition to an in-depth discussion of Jack's games and philosophy of his approach to Sisters, we also managed to rope him into a deep dive on celestians!
Also, psykers are the worst. Just absolutely the worst.
It's a podcast invasion! Rob and Mitch join Mitch Pelham, Best in Faction's Imperium mad scientist, to co-host a 9th edition Sisters deep dive with legendary players Andrew Gonyo and Brandon Grant. May the Emperor shower his blessings upon Best in Faction in thanks for allowing us to repost their episode here.
Mitch, Rob, and returning guest Tim Pinney dive deep into the fully released rules for 9th edition and how they will interact with the Emperor's most blessed warriors. In this episode we walk all the way from the command phase to the morale phase, one rule at a time. Also we do a special (salty) review of Psychic Awakening: Pariah.
Join Mitch (and a few minutes of Rob) for an interview of Nikolas Papadopoulis. Nikolas is a Greek WTC player hailing from Athens who placed second at the 50 person, highly competetive Art of War Tabletop Simulator league tournament. Nikolas goes into deep detail on how his force of Valorous Heart and Bloody Rose battle sisters took down the competition (spoiler: it involves a few repentia charges), as well as his valuable insights into our favorite Warhammer 40k faction.
Your fearless hosts return, once again guestless, to share Mitch and Rob's Sororitas perspective on the new leaks released for 9th edition between 6/8 and 6/19. We discuss changes to tanks, overwatch, terrain, and much more.
For the first time on the brief, yet oh so bright, history of the Sister Act podcast, Rob and Mitch record without a guest! Listen in to hear a Sisters perspective on the new leaks released so far for 9th edition (as of 6/9/2020).
Simon Leen rejoins Mitch & Rob to talk about the 6 Orders Majoris of the Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas, including both their epic fluff and rule crunch. We then follow up with a second segment where we deep dive into the miracle dice mechanic - how it works, how to manipulate it, and how to best wield it to crush the enemies of the faith.
Join Mitch & Rob, with special “Brohammer” guest Tim Pinney for a ‘beginners guide’ overview of the Adepta Sororitas. We lightly cover each unit and its relative use in the army, as well as ideal economical purchases to get you started with the most bang-for-your-buck. From Cannoness to Exorcist, this is your one stop shop from a new comer perspective. Secondly, we have our first “It’s a trap” segment where we warn new comers on what NOT to do in their first foray into the Adepta Sororitas.
Join Mitch & Rob, with special guests Jeremy Applebaum and PJ, both of Gentleman Gaming, as they recount their trip to LVO with the Sisters of Battle. Jeremy and PJ used a similar list at LVO (which Jeremy authored) and had very different finishes. Secondly, we do a deep dive on the amazing Zephyrim - lore, stats, strategems, and unit combos. The Emperor Protects!
Join Mitch & Rob, with special guest Simon Leen (2019 ITC Adepta Sororitas #1 Player!), reflecting on the Adepta Sororitas and how we were drawn to the hobby. We broadly discuss how we each got into the hobby, how the army has changed over time, and its various incarnations with rule sets. We also discuss the goals of the show, and the kind of content you can expect. Thank you for listening!
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.