It’s time for the Skulltenders to go back to school! Get ready to learn about different cultures, ancient history, and the finer points of hole exploration, joined by special guest CHRIS HASTINGS!
Christopher Hastings is a comic book writer known for The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, The Unbelievable Gwenpool, and his work on the Five Nights at Freddy's graphic novels. He is a cast member of another comedic narrative play show, Rude Tales of Magic, and the DM of their current campaign, Nethermurk.
Sound effects from:
citypark Netherlands 1254 PM 240827_0904 by klankbeeld -- -- License: Attribution 4.0
College campus mid afternoon lunch (ambience).wav by lungimahlaresound -- -- License: Attribution 3.0
citypark Netherlands 0103 PM 240827_0904 by klankbeeld -- -- License: Attribution 4.0
Huge university indoor hallway ambience by jimmygian -- -- License: Attribution 4.0