Gable and Jonnit struggle to weigh the bids from parties interested in buying featherweave and the captain. Meanwhile, Dref and Travis are confronted by Tiberius Youngblood who appears to have a more personal interest in the Uhuru than the crew realized.
Main Show: An underage character orders a drink (but doe not drink), home invasion, violence, eye-based violence, death. Like serious death that goes beyond what we have done on the show so far. Hydrate and prepare to cry.
Dear Uhuru: Nostalgia
James D'Amato......... GM
Tyler Davis.................. Jonnit Kessler
Liz Anderson.............. Gable
Johnny O'Mara.......... Travis Matagot
John Partick Coan..... Dref Wormwood
Casey Toney............... Editor
Arne Parrott................ Music
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