FREE BOOKS WITH "THE KINGDOM PRIESTHOOD" HERE! In The Shinar Directive, we journeyed down the Luciferian rabbit hole to discover the matrix of darkness that has engulfed our planet. In The Sheeriyth Imperative, we dug deeper to unearth the power source of hell, and we discovered how the body of Christ can labor to impede its functioning in the earth and lay the groundwork for revival. Now, it is time to unveil the mysteries of both the Priesthood of the Kingdom of God and the priesthood of darkness. Until these mysteries are understood, God’s remnant cannot realize their purpose or be released with heaven’s power to overcome the agenda of the fallen denizens of the Second Heaven. The Kingdom Priesthood is a training manual for the remnant to discover their priesthood, their purpose, and their service to Almighty God. In the pages of this remnant manual, you will discover:
•What Adam experienced in the first few moments of life and how those desires were encoded into the spiritual DNA of humanity.
•What the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil offered the first family in the garden.
•How we all share the same calling as Abram and why it is so important for the Priesthood of the Kingdom.
•How believers are to function as both priests and tabernacles in the earth.
•The real purpose of the fire of God and how we are to use it.
•How to carry the name of God in the earth with dignity and power.
•How to flow in the sevenfold anointing of the Holy Spirit.
•How the priesthood is essential for the releasing of end-time warriors in the last days.The Kingdom Priesthood is a call for the remnant to receive the fire of God, enter into their priesthood, and become an army that hell cannot overcome!