When the wretched becomes the strong, when the obscure becomes the norm, when the twisted becomes reality, that is when madwoman blooms to her fullest. Hailing from Stockholm, the Berlinette-by-choice has taken her own sweet time to rise to the attention of ravers around the globe, and her body of work makes it clear that she has come to stay.
Fueled by diverse musical influences and guided by a strong as impeccable sense of aesthetics, madwoman has developed a sound very own to no one but herself. Inspired by bits and pieces of seemingly unconnected styles like Metal and Opera, Trip-Hop and Psychedelic Rock, she has found a way to incorporate all the above and more, to make them her own, to build something new.
Where others see differences, she sees similarities, where others make distinctions, she finds connections, where others see emptiness, she feels rooms full of opportunities.
Set in order by her vast creative mind, all her influences molded together and created a heavy artillery of sonic weapons aimed directly at the dancefloor. Her highly energetic up-tempo beat, interfused with heavy Industrial bits, blended with obscure sounds from beyond, manages to create atmospheres like no other. madwoman incites the rawest, purest form of rave on any dancefloor, and she enjoys it to the fullest.
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