This week, Felix Salmon, Emily Peck, and Stacy-Marie Ishmael discuss Robinhood’s FINRA fine, the use and longevity of concrete following the tragic collapse of a Miami condo building, and AirBnB’s secretive (and well-funded) violent crime cover-ups.
In the Plus segment: Krispy Kreme.
Mentioned in the show:
“Airbnb Is Spending Millions of Dollars to Make Nightmares Go Away,” by Olivia Carville
“Convenience > Compassion,” by Framing
“No, You Can’t Recycle a Bowling Ball (But People Sure Keep Trying)” by Eleanor Cummins for Curbed
Email: [email protected]
Podcast production by Jessamine Molli.
Twitter: @felixsalmon, @EmilyRPeck, @s_m_i
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