This week, Felix Salmon, Emily Peck and Stacy-Marie Ishmael talk about spoiled customers acting out, IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva and the scandal plaguing her job position, and a new poll finding that a third of households making less than $50,000 in the U.S. lost or spent their savings during the pandemic.
In the Plus segment: The Coinbase proposal for an entirely new regulation system for cryptocurrency.
Mentioned In the show:
“Almost 20% of U.S. Households Lost Entire Savings During Covid” by Simone Silvan
“Unruly customers threaten economic recovery” by Hope King
“IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva survives China scandal: What you need to know” by Bjarke Smith-Meyer
“Policy goals for crypto market regulation” by FTX Research
“Operational Framework of the Digital Asset Policy Proposal” by GitHub
Podcast production by Cheyna Roth.
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