This week, Felix Salmon, Emily Peck and Stacy-Marie Ishmael talk about vaccine mandates and the spread of vaccine misinformation (ahem, Nicki Minaj), the New York magazine piece on delivery workers in New York City, and the Treasury Department’s report on U.S. child care.
In the Plus segment: The crypto carry trade.
Mentioned In The Show:
“Revolt of the Delivery Workers,” by Josh Dzieza for New York
Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen on Shortages in the Child Care System
“Why the Stable Coin Users WIll Inherit the Earth,” by Joe Weisenthal for Bloomberg
Email: [email protected]
Podcast production by Jessamine Molli.
Twitter: @felixsalmon, @EmilyRPeck, @s_m_i
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