👋 Hello again friends.
Raggedy Ann had heard all about kites and now she and Marcella were watching as the boys made one. They sent the kite up into the air but it didn't fly very well. The boys said it needed more rags on the tail so Marcella suggested Raggedy Ann be tied on. The boys tied her on and up went the kite higher and higher. Raggedy Ann could see for miles and miles and thought it was wonderful until she heard the first ripping sound. What is going to happen to Raggedy Ann and the kite?
Thank you for listening,
Sheryl 😷 & Clark 😷
🔬We have a new podcast called Sleep Tight Science! Sleep Tight Science is an exciting science facts and stories podcast for the whole family. In each episode we investigate the questions that kids have about anything science related. It's really different and I think you will like it. Check it out here.
About Sleep Tight Stories
Sleep Tight Stories brings you new and captivating bedtime stories every week. The stories range from retellings of fairy tales, folk stories, classic Canadian works, and original stories written by guest authors. Each episode is free of advertising and safe for kids of all ages.