👋 Hi friends. I just realized that we could have called this week, Turtle Week, because we have another turtle story for you.
In this episode, join the slow little turtle as he grows up by the pond and chases after his brothers and sisters. His mother tells him he needs to be faster and asks his brothers and sisters to be patient with him. By the end he becomes the “quick slow little turtle.”
Thank you for listening,
Sheryl & Clark
🔬We have a new podcast called Sleep Tight Science! Sleep Tight Science is an exciting science facts and stories podcast for the whole family. In each episode we investigate the questions that kids have about anything science related. It's really different and I think you will like it. Check it out here.
About Sleep Tight Stories
Sleep Tight Stories brings you new and captivating bedtime stories every week. The stories range from retellings of fairy tales, folk stories, classic Canadian works, and original stories written by guest authors. Each episode is free of advertising and safe for kids of all ages.