Over a century ago, the Titanic set sail on its maiden voyage, a marvel of engineering and a symbol of human ambition. Yet, its journey ended in one of the most infamous tragedies in history. What led to the ship's untimely fate, and what stories did its passengers and crew leave behind? Tonight, drift off to sleep as we explore the history, myths, and enduring legacy of the Titanic.
Narrated by: Elizabeth Grace
Written by: Alicia Steffann
About Sleepy History Delve into history's most intriguing stories, people, places, events, and mysteries, delivered in a supremely calming atmosphere. If you struggle to fall asleep and you have a curious mind, Sleepy History is the perfect bedtime companion. Our stories will gently grasp your attention, pulling your mind away from any racing thoughts, making room for the soothing music and calming narration to guide you into a peaceful sleep.
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