100 avsnitt • Längd: 30 min • Månadsvis
Dr. A.J. Swoboda and Dr. Nijay Gupta are co-hosts of Slow Theology: Simple Faith for Chaotic Times. We talk Bible, theology, and anything and everything else under the sun that gives our lives meaning.
The podcast Slow Theology: Simple Faith for Chaotic Times is created by A.J. Swoboda & Nijay K.Gupta. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Does God speak to us through prophets and prophecy today? Or is that a thing of the past? And how can you discern false prophecy from true prophecy? AJ and Nijay have an important conversation.
AJ and Nijay talk about Nijay's brand new book: THE AFFECTIONS OF CHRIST JESUS: LOVE AT THE HEART OF PAUL'S THEOLOGY (Eerdmans): released Feb 20, 2025.
Nijay and AJ reflect on Scripture's emphasis on attending to the quartet of the vulnerable (orphans, widows, foreigners, the poor; see Zech 7:9-10).
Are some parts of the Bible inherently more important than others? AJ and Nijay reflect on this important question. Listen in.
What can the earthly life of Jesus teach us about healthy relationships? Nijay and AJ explore this important question thinking about Jesus as a prophet sent from God the Father with an urgent mission.
Nijay and AJ cap off their series on the Ten Commandments with "Do Not Covet."
AJ and Nijay continue their Ten Commandments series: Do Not Bear False Witness/Do Not Lie.
AJ and Nijay continue their Ten Commandments series with "Do Not Steal."
*Explicit Conversation Warning*
AJ and Nijay continue their conversation about the Ten Commandments and practicing Slow Theology. They use the language of sex and lust frequently in this episode, so be mindful of who is listening.
Nijay and AJ interrupt their Ten Commandments series to offer a one-off discussion of the problem of spiritual pride; Western Christians today need to cultivate a "poverty of spirit," a deep realization and ownership of our personal neediness, incompleteness, and brokenness.
AJ and Nijay continue with the sixth commandment, "Do not murder." Now, at first glance that seems like an easy thing, but Scripture and Christian theology have a lot to say, not only about the evil of ending life, but also about the responsibility of protecting and blessing life. Explore this important subject further and listen in.
AJ and Nijay dive into the commandment to "honor your father and your mother." What does this mean? Not just for children, but for adults as well? In a time where there is generational conflict over politics, this could be a very urgent message for healing divides today.
AJ and Nijay continue their Ten Commandments series; this time: Remember the Sabbath. Much of their discussion derives from insights from AJs bestselling book SUBVERSIVE SABBATH.
We often think that not taking the Lord's name in vain means not blurting out "Jesus Christ!" Or "God d*** it!" It's good to respect God's name, but this commandment is far deeper and more pervasively important than watching your tongue when you stub your toe. Check out AJ and Nijay's discussion about what it means to honor God's name in our words and our whole lives.
AJ and Nijay get into the the first set of commandments, which form the fountainhead for the rest: singular allegiance to YHWH and rejection of idols. The Ten Commandments is much more than a list of don'ts, it is a mini-theology, pointing to a rich life within the healthy boundaries God has established for image-bearing creatures.
Slow Theology is excited to introduce a new series on the Ten Commandments (10C). Join AJ and Nijay as they process this foundation text in Scripture and how it forms our spirituality, theology, ethics, and life together. In this first episode they introduce the background and context of the 10C, and discuss the prescript statement, "I am YHWH, your God, who brought you out of Egypt" (Ex 20:2).
It's all too easy to doomscroll news about "church evil," the harrowing revelations regarding issues of abuse and corruption in Christian communities. In the past, AJ and Nijay have discussed the theological, moral, and philosophical implications of this dark reality coming to light, but in this new episode they discuss the emotional textures of facing this disheartening and horrifying news on a constant basis.
Do you have people in your life that you can share your darker struggles with, and confess your sins to? AJ and Nijay talk about being very selective and careful about finding your "confessors" and confidants; people that are not only safe, but also wise and care about your faith and relationship with Jesus.
**Possible Trigger Warning**
AJ and Nijay discuss the limitations of "righteous suffering" today. Jesus took abuse and harm upon himself from others for the salvation of the world. Is Jesus a model for abuse victims today? Are there areas of life where WWJD doesn't apply—where we shouldn't or can't imitate Jesus?
In Philippians 2:12, Paul writes, "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling..." This verse has perplexed many readers, because on the surface it appears that Paul is talking about earning salvation, so what happened to justification by grace?? AJ and Nijay love talking about reading the Bible well in context, check it out.
UPDATE: Nijay mentions in this episode a messaging feature, but we decided to turn it off because we can't message you back! So, contact us on social media to relay any messages, thanks.
Jesus is remembered as a great teacher, but he also had many conversations with people he met and he asked a lot of questions (well over 100 questions from the lips of Jesus in the Gospels). What can we learn about Jesus from his questions? What can we learn about the Gospel? What can we learn about our faith? AJ and Nijay reflect on these questions.
AJ and Nijay talk about a common question they get in the church and classroom: What's the best Bible translation? If you're curious, listen in on their conversation.
"We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves" (Rom 15:1)
Knowledge is good - the more you know the further you'll go (as they say). But it can also lead to pride, arrogance, and judgmentalism. AJ and Nijay chat about the dangers of spiritual pride and how to build up the other and not puff up oneself (1 Cor 8:1).
What happens when your theological heroes change their mind, let you down, or leave the faith? It can be uncomfortable, sometimes devastating. In keeping with the theme of "slow theology," AJ and Nijay address this struggle and encourage a non-reactive theology.
In the previous episode, Nijay interviewed AJ about his latest book, The Gift of Thorns (ST44). This time around, AJ and Nijay chat about Nijay's latest, Strange Religion: How the First Christians Were Weird, Dangerous, and Compelling (Brazos Press, 2024).
AJ has written an important new book called THE GIFT OF THORNS. Nijay and AJ discuss why AJ wrote this, a bit of his own story, and how unfulfilled wants can lead us into deeper spiritual life with Christ. This is a raw and vulnerable conversation. (WARNING: adult content is briefly discussed)
AJ and Nijay finish out their series on the Lord's Prayer and how to process the prayer Jesus taught us and learn how to pray slowly and authentically before God. Can we (smarty-pants moderns) really believe in evil? Should we fear evil? What does deliverance/rescue look like? Listen in—and please give Slow Theology and rating on your preferred listening app.
AJ and Nijay continue their series on prayer. They get into theological questions like "what is temptation?" and "Does God influence temptation, if so why?" But they also talk about how this prayer shapes our Christian lives.
AJ and Nijay continue to journey slowly through the Lord's Prayer. They reckon with the challenge of forgiving one another, and how important this is as a spiritual practice and an act of trust in God.
AJ and Nijay continue with their Slow Prayer series focusing on the Lord's Prayer. How does it shape our prayer life to pray "Give us this day our daily bread"?
AJ and Nijay continue the "Slow Prayer" series, journeying through the Lord's Prayer line by line. In this ep. they discuss the "cry for the kingdom" (as theologian Stanley Grenz puts it).
Why does it matter how we address God? Why "Our Father"? What does it mean that He lives "in Heaven?" And what does it mean to "hallow" God's Name? AJ and Nijay discuss the beginning of the prayer Jesus gave us. (Remember, you don't pray alone, you pray with Jesus)
Nijay and AJ are kicking off a multi-episode series about prayer, with a focus on the Lord's Prayer. Join them for this introductory episode where they chat about why this short prayer from Jesus has been so important in the history of the Church—and how it can shape our spiritual lives today.
What happens when your spouse (or close relative/friend) is going through deconstruction and you aren't? It can be a jarring and disheartening experience, and it comes with lots of possible and normal emotions like anger, fear, sadness, compassion, or uncertainty. AJ and Nijay process this together based on insights from Scripture and personal experiences.
AJ and Nijay dialogue about an important question: How would our faith be transformed if we learned with and from children? Too often children are hidden in the church, treated as distractions or underformed community members. But maybe we adults have something to learn FROM children. Listen in to this important conversation.
AJ and Nijay wish everyone a happy new year! This Podcast Short is a brief chat about their favorite reads of the year, but also that it is okay not to read everything and sometimes its the best thing to kick back and listen to podcasts!
AJ, Nijay, and Nick (our amazing audio editor!) are so thankful for our regular listeners and new listeners as well. More honest and engaging topics and discussions to come in 2024 - have a safe and joyous New Year celebration with friends and family.
Christmas can be the best of times, but it can also be lonely, stressful, and exhausting. Nijay and AJ have some fun in this episode, but also talk about some of the hard stuff about the holidays too. Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas!
In 2023, there have been a number of heartbreaking stories involving spiritual abuse in Christian environments, and too many lives have been harmfully affected by these men in power. AJ and Nijay broach this heavy subject thinking about the victims of spiritual abuse who want to go back to church or a Christian community, but are (rightfully) afraid, cynical, or hopeless. How can a "slow theology" approach and mindset offer some encouragement and direction? **Warning: while AJ and Nijay do not get into explicit details, some listeners may find the discussion triggering**
AJ and Nijay noticed a lot of former evangelicals becoming Catholic. BTW: AJ and Nijay admire and respect Catholics, but they discuss this phenomenon. What's going on? What's driving this trend? What is the hunger or felt need? Another way to put it: what can evangelicals learn from Catholics and other high church/liturgical traditions?
Theology is good, Nijay and AJ are both academics and affirm that their engagement with theological and biblical scholarship overall has strengthened and stretched their faith in healthy ways. But can critical theological study actually be a detriment to faith? What exactly is the problem? Nijay and AJ have a special conversation about what goes wrong when theology leads us away from God.
How do you know if a teaching you hear is heresy, or just a matter open to interpretation? And if you encounter heresy, should you do something about it? What? AJ and Nijay discuss.
**special episode**
This is the first guest we have ever had on Slow Theology, the one and only Prof. N.T. Wright, arguably the most influential biblical scholar in the last fifty years. He has a new book coming out (Into the Heart of Romans), and AJ and Nijay had the privilege of chatting with Wright about Romans, faith and doubt, and reading the Bible wisely and faithfully.
What do we do with violence in the Bible? Especially when it is commanded by God? Isn't the Bible about love and peace? AJ and Nijay reflect on one of the most pressing ethical questions related to the Bible.
Adult singles have sadly become a marginalized group in the American church, especially when marriage is viewed as the absolute ideal for all believers. AJ and Nijay process what Scripture really says about marriage and singleness and process a healthy spirituality of singleness.
AJ and Nijay discuss the common question from students and church folks: Can you lose your salvation?
In this short episode, AJ and Nijay discuss how to make sure you are reading and engaging with different kinds of material, and to what degree you let that material influence and affect you.
AJ and Nijay continue their conversations about formative traditions of the church: baptism (ST21), communion (ST22), and anointing of the sick. The biblical tradition puts weight not only on the healing power of God, but also the caregiving ministry of the church.
Protestants emphasize two sacraments—baptism (see ST21) and the Lord's Supper. Why is it important for Christians to gather together and share this special moment of food and drink? AJ and Nijay ruminate on this crucial practice.
AJ and Nijay talk about baptism in this episode - what it is, why it matters, and why we should take it seriously as a step of faith and commitment to God and God's family.
AJ and Nijay note how the Bible is actually a short book, especially the New Testament part. Is that all God wants to say to the world? Listen in as they talk about the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture. There might actually be a good reason why less is more!
AJ and Nijay chat about evangelism - we all loathe Bible tract pitches and canned gospel messages. Is there a way for evangelism to be more natural and less icky and intimidating? Join Slow Theology for an honest and optimistic conversation about sharing the good news today.
On Friday, May 19, 2023, esteemed Christian pastor, thinker, and writer Timothy J. Keller passed away. Nijay and AJ had already planned to talk about the importance of heaven in the Bible and Christian theology—this news about Keller offered an opportunity to remember and honor Keller as he went to be with the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen in on their conversation about why heaven matters, why it is good news, why it is not just clouds, harps, and fat baby angels—it is so much more.
What can we learn from Paul's prison letters about knowing God and growing as a person in those dark moments and seasons? Nijay and AJ look for wisdom from the apostle in chains, St. Paul, as well as other heroes who put pen to paper behind bars.
Christians can be mean, they can say hurtful things; they can cast aspersions from afar on social media and act like they are "fighting the good fight." For some of us, it's exhausting to look around and see Christians constantly at war with one another. AJ and Nijay are back again to process: what do we do with mean Christians?
AJ and Nijay talk through a great question from a perceptive listener - why would a loving God even create a place of eternal suffering like Hell? Slow Theology takes this opportunity to talk about how to process hard doctrines.
Let's say you decide to do something and you face pushback or opposition. How do you know it is a sign of God's will to stop (that you are wrong)? AJ and Nijay chat about suffering, persecution, hard consequences, and how to discern God's will.
AJ and Nijay engage with a listener question: how do you identify and support a church that is genuine, character-focused, and humble in leadership and witness; and not something that is just flashy. Good question worth pondering, Slow Theology is the perfect place to process this.
Nijay and AJ go back to basics - what is the goal of the Christian life?
AJ and Nijay talk about the importance of listening to, reading, and even valuing our theological enemies. We will never agree on everything, there may be times and reasons to be strongly critical and pushback, but a healthy posture in general is "intellectual hospitality." It's not easy, but—"This is the way."
In this final episode in the series on the Apostles' Creed, AJ and Nijay chat about the final lines of the confession: "I believe in the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen." Why were these concepts so important to the early church? How do they form us and give us hope and direction today?
Perhaps the most challenging part of the Creed today is the confession: "I believe in the Church." AJ and Nijay talk about the difficulties of "confessing" the Church, but also the hope that God has invested in this flawed, but holy institution. Can the Church become the beautiful community that it was always meant to be?
Continuing the Slow Creed series, AJ and Nijay talk about the Holy Spirit. Why affirm belief in the Spirit? Why is this central to Christian faith, formation, and life?
In this ep. Nijay and AJ continue in their conversations about the Apostles' Creed. Having already discussed the incarnation in the last ep, they address the death of Christ and how Christians have thought about "atonement" and salvation throughout the years.
AJ and Nijay continue to process the Apostles' Creed slowly; this time they talk about what it means to believe in the incarnation of Jesus Christ.
AJ and Nijay continue their series on "Slow Creed," in this episode talking about "I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth."
Nijay and AJ kick off a new series called SLOW CREED, looking at how to build a healthy relationship with Jesus based on the ancient Christian creeds that invited conviction, consensus, and community. In this first episode they ask, Why does it matter that "I believe..."
AJ and Nijay continue to process "slow theology" by considering how rejection helps us learn and grow.
Inspired by Katelyn Beaty's new book, Celebrities for Jesus, AJ and Nijay reflect on whether or not to have Christian heroes, and if you have them, how to choose them wisely and carefully.
Friends, AJ and Nijay have an exciting update. We are transitioning the podcast into a new era with a new title: Slow Theology: Simple Faith for Chaotic Times. The podcast will still talk about the messy of real life, but we will broaden topics to cover how to build a healthy faith in community. Same hosts, same content with more, and we have a new planning schedule that will mean more consistent content on a weekly basis. Thanks for continuing on the journey with us!
Nijay and AJ discuss how deconstruction can sometimes happen with a person in isolation and it is easy for their faith to disintegrate. Deconstruction can sometimes be healthy and lead to a stronger faith in the end, but often this requires a community journeying with that person and supporting them.
Nijay and AJ have an "unscripted" and unplanned conversation. They ask each other: What are you wrestling with in your faith right now? What tough issues keep you up at night? They get into lots of real life issues like raising kids, facing your own past, faith's "growing pains"—and aliens and Bigfoot are mentioned along the way.
In Faith & Doubt is a podcast that "normalizes" a messy faith and the ups and downs of the Christian life, which includes times of deconstruction. AJ and Nijay talk about how deconstruction can be very good and healthy (like shedding bad theology). In this episode, they dialogue about the boundaries of healthy deconstruction, and where it might go too far into damaging our relationship with God.
As we enter a season where it is safer to go back to church together in person, some committed Christians are hesitant to re-engage with a local church. Nijay and AJ acknowledge the challenges and talk about the importance of taking slow steps forward in faith.
This is not a full episode, but just a short discussion of Nijay's and AJ's favorite religion, Bible, and culture podcasts. If you are looking for some new suggestions for podcasts, this might give you some fresh ideas.
Some say "deconstruction" is just a fad, people are hopping on the bandwagon to seem trendy, smart, and anti-establishment. AJ and Nijay talk about the pros and cons to these criticisms against the faith deconstruction movement. There is always the temptation to do what is getting attention, but that doesn't mean people aren't going through real trauma, heartache, hurt by the church, and wondering and wandering that have been a centuries old part of the Christian story.
The Bible is the most bought and owned book—that is rarely read. In this episode, AJ and Nijay explore how Scripture relates to knowing God and thriving in faith. The Bible is not meant to be used as a political weapon, or a book of facts to memorize. It is "meditative" literature, living communication that has the power to open up living communion with God.
AJ and Nijay have frank conversation about walking with friends who are going through doubt, deconstruction, and even de-conversion. What do you do? How do you cope? Is there a time and place to pushback? What if the friendship falls apart? What does it really mean to be a "good friend" to friends moving away from their Christian faith when you are not in the same place?
AJ and Nijay are back! In this episode they discuss "theological envy"—the inclination to find attractive aspects of other Christian traditions, which can lead to bitterness or spite towards one's own theological heritage. Learning from other traditions is a good and beautiful thing, but is there a place for "theological contentment" in a healthy and messy life of faith?
In the last episode of Season 4, Nijay and AJ talk about habits and practices that keep their faith steady, even and especially in periods of doubt and apathy. (Find out what why AJ "hums" to strengthen his faith!)
How do you process difficult texts of the Bible? Texts that seem immoral or even antithetical to the fundamentals of Christian faith? AJ and Nijay reflect on "hermeneutics" (how we approach the Bible), using Philemon as a case study.
A.J. Swoboda wrote a book called AFTER DOUBT, which came out in early 2021. It has received hundreds of favorable reviews from readers, and it has generated rich conversations about faith, doubt, deconstruction, and walking with Jesus in the mess of real life. In this ep, Nijay and AJ chat about the kinds of questions that have emerged over 2021 as he has interacted with readers and other scholars.
Christian faith is an intellectual faith, but is it also emotional? Nijay and AJ talk about the importance of bringing not only our minds into our relationship with God, but also our emotional self.
Often people's disappointment with the Bible and Christianity comes through hearing a weak and insubstantial message of "salvation." AJ and Nijay talk about a more holistic salvation, without ignoring the importance of forgiveness and personal reconciliation with God. This may be a helpful way for those who struggle with doubt to "see" God's presence and goodness in all contexts.
AJ and Nijay are back with a fourth series on "The Gospel for Doubters." They try to get back to the heart of the good news of Jesus Christ. Even with all the messiness that comes with this package of "Christianity," is there a Jesus there at the center that is still worth it in the end?
AJ and Nijay have a candid conversation about a moment in each of their lives when they have changed their minds on a theological issue. They want to normalize openness to learning, and humility in dialogue.
In this "podcast short," AJ and Nijay put each other in the hot seat with a spontaneous and unplanned question and raw answers.
What affect does our "instant" world have on our theology and our relationship with God? AJ and Nijay process the dangers of knee-jerk theological engagement on social media and the urge to resolve theological tensions in our lives in general. Does the Bible encourage slow formation? Why? How? To what end?
One of the reasons that believers experience doubt relates to science and what seems like contractions between science and the Bible. AJ and Nijay share about their love for science and the Bible both.
AJ and Nijay are not afraid to dialogue about sobering topics. In this episode, they talk about the biblical teaching on divine judgment and hell. Is the God who punishes worth believing in and worshipping?
AJ Swoboda and Nijay Gupta talk about how churches managed the pandemic ("Online Church") and how the COVID-19 era has forced pastors to think afresh about what "Church" really means. Many people stopped going to church and may never go back. Others might be craving a physical community. As AJ says in this ep., "You gotta be able to smell each other!"
AJ and Nijay talk about how they reflect on "ugly Christianity," Christian leaders and systems that harm, abuse, and deceive.
AJ and Nijay have raw and honest conversations about how they process suffering and Christian faith.
A.J. and Nijay talk about how they process questions about the Bible. Is the Bible true? Is the Bible really from God? Is it full of contradictions? Why don't English translations match up? These are hard questions, there aren't quick and easy answers, but changing our perspective on what the Bible IS (and is not) helps us read it faithfully and with purpose.
A.J. and Nijay talk about Jesus and doubt. What began as a controversial Christianity Today article developed into a beautiful conversation about the humanity of Jesus.
We all need heroes, people that inspire us, keep us going, especially when we have doubt and can't see the way forward. Give this podcast short a listen to learn about AJ and Nijay's spiritual heroes.
AJ and Nijay talk about faith that can handle doubt and deconstruction—and the movement towards reconstruction.
A.J. and Nijay continue to talk about deconstruction and doubt. Can doubt be good for the Christian life? Can deconstruction lead to a stronger faith?
AJ Swoboda and Nijay Gupta talk about the role of doubt and deconstruction in the Christian life. Doubt seems to involve a loss of faith; but can doubt also lead to a deeper faith?
What does AJ brew at home? Does Nijay qualify as a Portland hipster? Get to know the co-hosts of In Faith & Doubt.
In this episode, A.J. Swoboda (Bushnell University) and Nijay K. Gupta (Northern Seminary) talk about why they wanted to start a podcast. A big catalyst for this podcast is the launch of AJ's new book, AFTER DOUBT (Brazos Press, 2021). What is the relationship between faith and doubt? Are doubts a sign of an unhealthy faith?
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.