Smash Boom Best: A funny, smart debate show for kids and family
Today’s debate is a brawl that can be seen on any power line. One is a feisty furry phenom who goes nuts for acorns, the other is a sleek, feathered enigma who represents the melancholy and mysterious. It’s Squirrels vs. Crows! In one corner we’ve got improviser, content creator, and “Good Luck High Five" podcast host Meghan Wolff ready to ruffle feathers for team crows! And here to chitter chatter for team squirrels is improviser, content creator, and also “Good Luck High Five” podcast host Maria Bartholdi. Head on over to and vote to tell us who YOU think won!
Also…do you have your Smarty Pass yet? Get yours today for just $4/month (or $36/year) and get bonus episodes every month, and ad-free versions of every episode of Brains On, Smash Boom Best, Moment of Um and Forever Ago. Visit to get your Smarty Pass today. As an added bonus, your Smarty Pass will grant you access to a super special debate starring Sanden and Molly!