Welcome back to another Smashed Balls. Where we look back at some of our favorite episodes we have reviewed. The South Park Review Cru decided to take a couple weeks off this summer, but we didn't wan't to leave you without content. This week we look back at some of Dane's favorite episodes from the first 12 seasons that they have reviewed.
Dane's Choices:
-SMB #158 - S11 E2 Cartman Sucks "That Makes You Totally F*cking Gay!"
-SMB #165 - S11 E9 More Crap - Does Bono Want The Biddy!
-SMB #162 - S11 E6 D-Yikes - "God Dam It, Stupid A$$ Men!"
Season 12 Reviews Continue next on June 21st with SMB#180. Download all the previous season reviews on your favorite podcast outlet or watch on youtube.
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