This week on Snacky Tunes, a solo Darin welcomes the Pit Bastard Frank Davis, and musical guest Miami Drive to the program. Opening the show speaking to Frank about his 20 year background in the music industry, Darin makes the connection between music and food and just how Frank decided to make the career jump to BBQ and grilling. Starting a restaurant in upstate New York in 2010, Frank and his wife honed their skills and though that restaurant closed its doors due to a slow economy post Hurricane Sandy, Frank is back making his mark in the Brooklyn BBQ scene, founding the Bushwick Grill Club, as well as working as the Food Director at Northern Bell restaurant in Williamsburg. In the second half of the show, musical guest Miami Drive hashes it out with Darin talking about how the duo met, their unique approach to songwriting and collaborating, as well as their sunny roots in South Florida. Tune in for the last show of the summer filled with love, pizza, and love for pizza! This program was brought to you by Rolling Press.
–Pit Bastard, Frank Davis, on Snacky Tunes
“It’s (cooking) is experimentation constantly, my dad would throw 10 things in a pot and then magically there was a potion there!” [42:02]
“(Food) was my first passion – I went food first then music.” [45:31]
–Miami Drive on Snacky Tunes