Leading with Extreme Confidence and Extreme Humility
Season 4 | Episode 5
Will you lead with extreme confidence or extreme humility? The answer is yes! In this episode, Pastor Julie unpacks how to become a both/and kind of leader. You will learn what true humility really is, how to identify your blind spots, and practices that will increase your capacity.
So Good Moments:
- Why Deborah from the Bible is an example of a woman who led spiritually and vocationally.
- Why you can’t be insecure and humble at the same time and how to move forward in true confidence.
- Pastor Julie’s morning routine and how she developed a system to compensate for her weaknesses.
- Who you should ask to help you identify your blind spots and the one question that changed Pastor Julie’s life.
- Key attributes that will increase your influence.
- The value of hidden service.
The 8 Paradoxes of Great Leadership
Lead Like it Matters
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Ask a Question
Discussion Questions:
- What inspires you about the life of Deborah?
- What are some misconceptions about true confidence?
- What are some misconceptions about true humility?
- What are some indicators that the enemy is trying to tear down your confidence?
- Pastor Julie shared how she was able to invite the right people into her life to speak into her blind spots. Who do you trust to speak into yours?