Soaring Child: Thriving with ADHD
On this week’s episode of Soaring Child, we take a look at the challenges to keeping your kids eating the right foods. Andrea Daigle is a regular on the show and is a board-certified holistic health practitioner and a member of the team at the ADHD Thrive Institute. She specializes in coaching families through making diet changes through food choices, meal planning, and getting buy-in from not just the kids, but also the extended family.
The most important step is clear communication on a daily basis. Have family discussions about what specific steps need to be taken and what the long-term goals are.
Have the kids get involved with meal planning, and take them grocery shopping. Get your whole family in the habit of reading labels to see which foods are healthy and which foods aren’t.
Be sure to comment on the positive changes as they occur. When grandparents try to give your children sweets and sabotage all your efforts, offer them a healthy bag of treats for their house instead of the ice cream and candy. Encourage them to offer other “bonuses” like trips to the park or a shopping spree at the dollar store.
Eating healthy from a young age is a great way to raise awareness about nutrition. Your kids will develop a lifelong understanding of ingredients and nutritional value even as they become adults.
Key Takeaways:
[5:04] Common obstacles to changing diet in kids
[6:13] When your partner isn’t on board with dietary changes
[9:40] Getting the rest of the family to buy in to the changes
[12:29] Stressing the positive changes through communication
[13:56] How to get the grandparents on board with dietary changes
[18:19] How to handle birthday parties
[21:26] How to handle trips to the neighbor’s house
[23:18] How to handle eating during the holidays
How To Connect With Andrea Daigle:
For a free call with Andrea and the team at ADHD Thrive Institute:
Memorable Quotes:
“It is so important to set aside a time where you and your partner can just be together and start a discussion, really talk through what's going on and what needs to change. Really be mindful and talk through it together.”
“When we started this journey with my son, my goal was to be able to wake up in the morning without dreading what mood my son would be in for that day.”
“For my son, what I found really helpful was getting him to understand why we are doing what we’re doing.”
“I started very, very slow. I would swap the old bread with the new bread and take these baby steps. And when my son’s behavior started improving, that was when I could really have a conversation with him.”
“The best part about it is my kids actually prefer the cupcakes that we bring over to the ones that are at the party now.”
“Talk to your neighbors and let them know your child has dietary restrictions. Most of them are very supportive of this. Give them a whole bag of safe treats they can keep in their pantry.”
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